1909 ;;Quote: a Unix file exists independently of its directory entries; deleted when last entry is deleted
1909 ;;Quote: Unix has universal names for the current and parent directories; . and ..
1910 ;;Quote: the 'mount' command turns a file into the root directory of a removable volume
1910 ;;Quote: files on different devices are treated the same, but no inter-device links
1910 ;;Quote: set-user-ID changes program access rights to those of the program's creator; allows privileged programs
1911 ;;Quote: the Unix super-user has unrestricted access rights
1912 ;;Quote: while Unix does not have user-level locks, it has internal locks for maintaining the logical consistency of the file system
1913 ;;Quote: Unix files accessed by their i-number which indexes their i-node in the devices i-list
1915 ;;Quote: if a program accesses sequential blocks, Unix asynchronously pre-reads the next block; improves performance significantly
1916 ;;Quote: the Unix i-list gives each file a short, unique name; is reliable and simple, with easy access to file information
1916 ;;Quote: Unix can quickly verify disk allocation by a sequential scan of the i-list
1916 ;;Quote: a Unix process is the execution of an image; i.e., the current state of a computer execution environment
1917 ;;Quote: Unix virtual address space: shared, write-protected program text, non-shared data, and stack at high end
1917 ;;Quote: Unix 'fork' creates two identical processes with the same open files; parent/child distinguished
1917 ;;Quote: a Unix pipe is an open file shared via a 'fork' call; a read waits until something is written; looks like a file
1918 ;;Quote: Unix pipes must be initialized by a common ancestor of the processes
1918 ;;Quote: Unix 'execute' replaces the current process with new program text and data; open files, etc., are retained
1918 ;;Quote: Unix 'wait' suspends until a child process exits; receives the child's processid and exit status
1918 ;;Quote: Unix 'exit' terminates a process, destroys its image, closes its files, and generally obliterates it
1927 ;;Quote: Unix source is always available and easily modified; encourages revisions and rewrites