ThesaHelp: references p-r
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Topic: data record
Topic: primitive data types for Thesa
Topic: software tools
Topic: critical regions
Topic: file directory
Topic: file
Group: operating system
Topic: software portability
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Ritchie, D.M.,
"UNIX time-sharing system: A retrospective",
Bell System Technical Journal, 57, 6, pp. 1947-1969, July-August 1978.
QuoteRef: ritcDM7_1978a
1951 ;;Quote: Unix does not use the concept of a record; either as a fixed number of bytes and a count+bytes
| 1959 ;;Quote: for ease of use in pipelines, Unix tools do not produce extraneous verbiage or require parameters
| 1960 ;;Quote: can implement semaphores in Unix by creating or deleting a known file
| 1967 ;;Quote: a file system should be hierarchical; for grouping related files; efficient and simple
| 1968 ;;Quote: a file is a sequence of bytes; not a sequence of records
| 1968 ;;Quote: an operating system should be written in a high-level language for portability
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