
Topic: massively parallel processors

topics > computer science > Group: parallel processing

computer architecture
computer performance
data parallel processing
hardware for interprocess communication
interprocess communication
models of parallel computation
multiple processors
synchronized processing
vector processing
Subtopic: Connection Machine up

Quote: the Connection Machine has as many processors as are needed for a problem; each processor must be small [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: Connection Machine motivated by semantic networks; e.g., processor for 'apple' connected to processor for 'red' [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: description of the CM-1 Connection Machine; 64K cells, 4K bits memory each, 1-bit ALU, boolean n-cube topology, host computer [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: the processor array of the Connection Machine implements instructions that operate on large amounts of data simultaneously [»hillWD12_1986]
Quote: the set of context flags select which processors execute an instruction; e.g., all odd-numbered processors. Intersection, union, and complement are fast [»hillWD12_1986]
Quote: the Connection Machine can search for substrings in time proportional to the length of the substring [»hillWD_1985]

Subtopic: data parallel -- xector up

Quote: the Connection Machine represents and processes data as 'active data structures' of interconnected processor and memory cells [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: both CmLisp and the Connection Machine achieves parallelism through simultaneous operations instead of concurrent control [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: parallel operations in CmLisp via a xector--a set of processors with one value per processor; e.g., xector add [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: a xector element consists of a index (processor name and memory address) and a value; includes sets, index sequence, and constants [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: apply a xector of functions to all tuples with common xector indices; e.g., (.alpha.+ '{a->1 b->2} '{b-3 c->2}) => {b->5} [»hillWD_1985]

Subtopic: massive communication up

Quote: the physical connectivity of the Connection Machine is controlled by software; in order to match problem's structure [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: in a Connection Machine, could migrate cells in the direction of most communication; groups of intercommunicating cells would cluster [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: the Connection Machine can shift arbitrarily large segments of data in unit time; with type codes can update pointers in unit time [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: in computers, wires are much of the cost, space and delay times
Quote: the communications network of the Connection Machine does most of the computation, limits the performance, and costs the most [»hillWD_1985]

Subtopic: physics as massive communication up

Quote: computational systems will become physics-like because of physical constraints such as 3-d and speed of light [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: what will computation look like with a mole of processors?; physics [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: massive communication has properties of physics--distance important, congestion acts like mass [»hillWD_1985]

Subtopic: processor vs. communications up

Quote: xectors are the contents of Connection Machine memory cells; processors are .alpha. operations and routers are .beta. operations

Subtopic: parallel initialization up

Quote: in CmLisp, use .alpha. to convert a value into a constant xector; i.e., the value is loaded into every processor [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: think of CmLisp's .alpha. as a way to get a zillion of something; .bullet. marks subexpressions that already have a zillion [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: in CmLisp, use .bullet. to selectively cancel the constant meta-operation .alpha. [»hillWD_1985]

Subtopic: reduction up

Quote: in CmLisp, .beta. reduction applies a function to the values of a xector in logarithmic time; ignores indices [»hillWD_1985]
Quote: CmLisp's .beta. operation corresponds to the message routers while its .alpha. operation corresponds to processor execution
Quote: the simplest .beta. reduces a xector to a value; general form reduces portions of xectors and produces a xector [»hillWD_1985]

Subtopic: Occam up

Quote: the aim of occam is to describe arbitrarily large systems in terms of localized processing and communication [»mayD_1987]

Subtopic: Ultracomputer -- shuffle network up

Quote: Ultracomputer has thousands of processors in a perfect shuffle network; performs communication functions in logarithm of processor count [»schwJT10_1980]
Quote: Ultracomputer can perform many interesting algorithms in log_k(n) cycles

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(15 items)

Updated barberCB 8/04
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