ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: data parallel processing
Topic: massively parallel processors
Topic: conditional control by guards
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Hillis, W.D., Steele, G.L., Jr.,
"Data parallel algorithms",
Communications of the ACM, 29, 12, December 1986, pp. 1170-1183.
1170 ;;Quote: a data parallel algorithm performs simultaneous operations across large sets of data; like APL and FP
| 1170+;;Quote: data parallel algorithms typically use O(N) processors to solve a problem of size N in O(log N) time
| 1170 ;;Quote: the processor array of the Connection Machine implements instructions that operate on large amounts of data simultaneously
| 1171 ;;Quote: the set of context flags select which processors execute an instruction; e.g., all odd-numbered processors. Intersection, union, and complement are fast
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ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
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