ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: controlled browsing of hypertext
Topic: Petri net
Topic: synchronized processing
Topic: hierarchical structures in hypertext
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Stotts, P.D., Furuta, R.,
"Adding browsing semantics to the hypertext model", pp. 43-50,
Proceedings ACM Conference on Document Processing Systems, ACM, December 5-9, 1988.
43 ;;Quote: normal Hypertext does not defining how nodes can be browsed, i.e., browsing semantics
| 43 ;;Quote: in Trellis, browsing semantics is based on petri nets
| 45 ;;Quote: a Trellis Hypertext is a petri net of links, user interface components, and mappings between them and the display
| 45 ;;Quote: map petri nets into hypertext by functions such as logical buttons for each transition
| 45_footnote ;;Quote: hide Hypertext elements by associating null elements with the petri net mappings
| 46 ;;Quote: a marking of a petri net defines the browsing state of a Trellis Hypertext; different initial markings give different browsing patterns
| 47 ;;Quote: a petri net can automatically synchronize multiple displays of Hypertext
| 48 ;;Quote: a petri net allows Hypertext browsing paths with non-adjacent common subsections
| 49 ;;Quote: if timing added to Hypertext petri nets, can implement timed exams and presentations
| 49 ;;Quote: a node of a Hypertext hierarchy can be a frame or another Hypertext
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