Group: parallel processing
Topic: coordinated movement
Topic: examples of coordination systems
Topic: synchronized processing
Topic: task communication
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Subtopic: coordination vs. notification
Quote: coordination deals with synchronous activity while notification deals with asynchronous activity
| Quote: improve coordination by revealing agents' states through notification; since easier to avoid conflicts than to resolve them [»wexeA4_1992]
| Subtopic: conflicts
Quote: simultaneous, conflicting updates indicate an external coordination problem [»oppeDC10_1981]
| Subtopic: coordinated process
Quote: coordination is arranging rendezvous and interactions, and scheduling activities and allocating resources to prevent conflicts [»wexeA4_1992]
| Quote: coordination is the putting together of many ACTIONS into organized activities [»holtAW_1997]
| Subtopic: broadcast
Quote: broadcast is important for distributed systems for advertising needs and services and for coordinated problem solving [»cherDR4_1984]
| Subtopic: heartbeat and master
Quote: a single GFS master manages the file system metadata for chunkservers; e.g., namespace, access control, mappings, garbage collection [»gherS10_2003]
| Quote: use heartbeat messages for communication between master and chunkservers
Related Topics
Group: parallel processing (41 topics, 1116 quotes)
Topic: coordinated movement (58 items)
Topic: examples of coordination systems (23 items)
Topic: synchronized processing (35 items)
Topic: task communication (49 items)