ThesaHelp: references t-z
Group: coordination system
Topic: coordinated processes
Topic: change notification
Topic: asynchronous processing
Topic: synchronized processing
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Wexelblat, A.,
"Groups without groupware",
SIGOIS Bulletin, 13, 1, pp. 33-35, April 1992.
33 ;;Quote: collaboration is not a separable activity like composing a letter; it is a natural part of everyday work tasks
| 34 ;;Quote: coordination is arranging rendezvous and interactions, and scheduling activities and allocating resources to prevent conflicts
| 34 ;;Quote: improve coordination by revealing agents' states through notification; since easier to avoid conflicts than to resolve them
| 34+;;Quote: coordination deals with synchronous activity while notification deals with asynchronous activity
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ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Group: coordination system (8 topics, 214 quotes)
Topic: coordinated processes (8 items)
Topic: change notification (19 items)
Topic: asynchronous processing (30 items)
Topic: synchronized processing (35 items)