
Group: coordination system

topics > computer science > Group: systems

commitment as a system
coordinated processes
electronic meetings
examples of coordination systems
organizations as systems
shared information for collaborative work
distributed systems
electronic mail
parallel processing

actor machines
broadcasting information
bug tracking system
communicating sequential processes
communication protocols
configuration management
coordinated processes
dependency analysis
forms as a UserInterface
man-machine symbiosis
models of parallel computation
problem solving
shared information for collaborative work
software change management
state machine
synchronized processing
using hypertext for cooperative work
voice and sound as a user interface

Subtopic: coordination via computers up

Quote: SCRAM defines a shared, central release area and multiple, developer areas; each developer area is an incremental change to a release area [»willC4_2001]
Quote: a coordination system has concurrent roles, automated and user roles, and formal interactions with coincident state change [»holtAW5_1983]
Quote: with a coordination system, a computing system is bound by organizational intentions instead of computational intentions by independent users [»holtAW5_1983]
Quote: computers now participate in the establishment, maintenance, and abrogation of communication relationships between people [»holtAW2_1974]
Quote: high levels of activity in a groupware system attracts additional use
Quote: coordination environments address formal coordination by rules [»holtAW_1997]
Quote: the Internet fails to help people institute and follow rules; could interconnect through flexible, world-wide, organized activities

Subtopic: coordination system as managing dependencies up

Quote: survey of coordination theory for managing dependencies among activities; e.g., shared resources, producer/consumer, simultaneity constraints, task/subtask [»maloTW3_1994]

Subtopic: shared systems up

Quote: shared systems serving simultaneous functions with differing security properties; makes computers meeting places [»kampPH7_2004]

Subtopic: communication and coordination up

Quote: computer users have become a community with a diversity of roles and concurrent computer use; no longer just need computation [»holtAW2_1974]
Quote: constructing a large software system requires communication and coordination [»tichWF9_1979]
Quote: continuing communication and coordination required for software change management of large systems [»tichWF9_1979]
Quote: humans can play many concurrent roles for processes at different levels; should be definable and coordinated [»engeDC_1963]
Quote: instead of increasing an individual's productivity, a coordination system decreases the amount of work; e.g., software trouble reports [»knobK9_1981]
Quote: NASA flight controllers use at least four voice loops to coordinate activity: from flight director, between air and ground, with support staff, and ad-hoc conferences [»wattJC_1996]
Quote: computer support systems provide raw data; voice loops carry integrated, event-level information [»wattJC_1996]
Quote: initially in the iterated prisoner's dilemma, subjects did not cooperate; communication lead to cooperation

Subtopic: standardization up

Quote: standardize the preparation of control tapes and operating instructions; group enterprise; minimizes special instructions [»compHU_1946]

Subtopic: speech acts up

Quote: if action is primary, than computers should participate in speech acts that create commitments [»winoT_1986]
Quote: two levels of acceptance needed because a user can tentatively agree to attend conflicting meetings
Quote: a business letter is a set of intentional acts that invokes new actions; could support directly by a computer network [»florCF1_1982]

Subtopic: coordination system as roles, states, and activities up

Quote: associated with each role is a set of possible states; an activity changes the states of the corresponding actors [»holtAW_1979]
Quote: a social machine occurs when people perform repeatable actions with repeatable results that can fail to meet standards [»holtAW_1997]
Quote: organized activity is performed in terms of clearly understood, repeatable units; e.g., 3/4" flat-head, pipette, McDonald's [»holtAW_1997]
Quote: an ACTION depends on its ORGANIZATIONAL and PERSONAL context; e.g., peeling potatoes at work differs from the same action at home [»holtAW_1997]
Quote: every ACTION is driven by PERSONAL and ORGANIZATIONAL INTERESTS; make organized activity efficient by aligning INTERESTS [»holtAW_1997]
Quote: an Igo UNIT is a center; a virtual place for fulfilling one of your activity commitments [»holtAW_1997]
Quote: Igo is a system for managing responsibilities, keeping a person coordinated with himself [»holtAW_1997]
Quote: coordination is the putting together of many ACTIONS into organized activities [»holtAW_1997]
Quote: the key to personal role management is organizing information according to one's roles; create/abandon roles, insert/delete sub-roles, combine roles and objects [»kandE3_1998]
Quote: make a role's schedules, documents, and correspondence visually available; visual cues of goals, tasks, events, and related individuals

Subtopic: coordination languages up

Quote: Linda is a coordination language for use with a traditional programming language; creates a complete language [»geleD2_1992]
Quote: a computational language includes a degenerate coordination language in its global variables and argument-passing; for communication [»geleD2_1992]

Subtopic: problems of coordination systems up

Quote: coordination systems have been unsuccessful because those that benefit aren't those that must do additional work; also weak intuition and evaluation [»grudJ9_1988]
Quote: work group software is liable to sabotage by co-workers [»dvorJC9_1988]
Quote: collaboration is not a separable activity like composing a letter; it is a natural part of everyday work tasks [»wexeA4_1992]
Quote: an automated trouble reporting system discouraged trouble-shooting conversations to identify the problem and its solution; ended up working around the system [»sachP9_1995]
Quote: groupware systems show a threshold effect where usage falls rapidly if there is insufficient activity [»ackeMS6_1996]
Quote: informal coordination is more efficient and flexible than formal coordination; more dependent on shared understandings [»holtAW_1997]

Group: coordination system up

Topic: automation (15 items)
Topic: commitment as a system (22 items)
Topic: coordinated processes (8 items)
Topic: electronic meetings (24 items)
Topic: examples of coordination systems (23 items)
Topic: organizations as systems (29 items)
Topic: roles (21 items)
Topic: shared information for collaborative work
(36 items)

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Topic: configuration management (25 items)
Topic: coordinated processes (8 items)
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Topic: forms as a UserInterface (11 items)
Topic: man-machine symbiosis (46 items)
Topic: management (27 items)
Topic: models of parallel computation (33 items)
Topic: problem solving (32 items)
Topic: shared information for collaborative work (36 items)
Topic: software change management (48 items)
Topic: standards (12 items)
Topic: state machine (67 items)
Topic: synchronized processing (35 items)
Topic: using hypertext for cooperative work (9 items)
Topic: voice and sound as a user interface
(26 items)

Updated barberCB 4/04
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