ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: programming environment
Topic: rules
Topic: organizations as systems
Topic: roles
Group: coordination system
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Holt, A.W., Ramsey, H.R., Grimes, J.D.,
"Coordination system technology as the foundation for programming environments",
Electrical Communication, ITT, 57, 4, 1983, pp. 307-314.
page numbering from draft May, 1983
2 ;;Quote: an environment is an organized set of tools and facilities supporting an organization of people in their work
| 4 ;;Quote: computers can help with rules, and nothing else
| 4 ;;Quote: the rules of an organization include when it's too late and what to do about it, whom to give it to, etc.
| 5 ;;Quote: a role is always is one of a set of possible states; no concurrent activity
| 5 ;;Quote: a role's behavior is defined by a state/action sequence; its rules express the possible state/action sequences
| 5 ;;Quote: interacting roles always perform the same actions
| 7 ;;Quote: with a coordination system, a computing system is bound by organizational intentions instead of computational intentions by independent users
| 9 ;;Quote: a coordination system has concurrent roles, automated and user roles, and formal interactions with coincident state change
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
Topic: programming environment (46 items)
Topic: rules (43 items)
Topic: organizations as systems (28 items)
Topic: roles (20 items)
Group: coordination system (8 topics, 214 quotes)