10 ;;Quote: speech act theory--language and thought is ultimately based on social interaction
20 ;;Quote: rational decision making--list alternative strategies, determine the consequences, and pick the best
20+;;Quote: actual behavior must depart from rational decision making because can't determine all alternatives or consequences
22 ;;Quote: artificial intelligence research follows the rational decision making model
22+;;Quote: artificial intelligence represents the task environment with a symbolic structure and a systematic correspondence
27 ;;Quote: hermeneutics begin as the theory of interpretation of sacred texts; asking why does a text have meaning despite different cultures and language
28 ;;Quote: a school of hermeneutics takes interpretation as primary; gives meaning to a text, determines our language and ourselves
31 ;;Quote: separating subject from object denies the fundamental unity of being-in-the-world (Dasein, the primacy of experience)
32 ;;Quote: the hermeneutic circle--our beliefs can not be made explicit because we are always operating within their framework
33 ;;Quote: when hammering a nail, one does not need an explicit representation of the hammer; the ability to act comes first
33 ;;Quote: skeptical about knowledge representation even though it is fundamental to cognitive science, linguistics and artificial intelligence
34 ;;Quote: cannot avoid acting, every representation is an interpretation, language is action
36 ;;Quote: objects and properties are not inherent; they arise in an event of breaking down
36 ;;Quote: for the person engaged in the throwness of unhampered hammering, the hammer does not exist as an entity
37 ;;Quote: it is meaningless to discuss objects in the absence of concernful activity with a potential for breaking down
37+;;Quote: reality is a space of potential for human concern and action; not defined by objective, omniscient observer
40 ;;Quote: we introduce Maturana's terminology without giving definitions; precise definitions are impossible anyway
41 ;;Quote: Maturna, et. al. demonstrated that the visual system responded to patterns of local variations, e.g., dark spots; not direct representation
42 ;;Quote: perception--the nervous system generates phenomena rather than acting as a filter on reality; like hallucination
45 ;;Quote: living things (autopoietic) are structure-determined systems with the potential of disintegration; leads to adaptation and evolution
59 ;;Quote: every language act has consequences; immediate actions and commitments for future action; if breakdown in commitment than a dialog
63 ;;Quote: we are each responsible for the consequences of how our acts will be understood within our shared tradition; despite lack of rules
67 ;;Quote: scientific objectivity when for any observation we can provide instructions that will lead to the same conclusion
68 ;;Quote: much of what we say is based on what others told us; e.g., our belief that Napoleon was the Emperor of France
68 ;;Quote: meaning arises in the commitment expressed in speech acts
71 ;;Quote: if action is primary, than computers should participate in speech acts that create commitments
76 ;;Quote: language is action, not communication; the basis of language is commitment within a social structure
76 ;;Quote: computers are incapable of making commitments and hence cannot enter into language
84 ;;Quote: a program is a program about something; it has a systematic correspondence to reality
86 ;;Quote: representation is in the mind of the beholder; nothing in the computer or program depends on the representation selected
86 ;;Quote: digital computers allow many representational layers; a variable may represent a satellite and in turn be represented by a voltage
109 ;;Quote: artificial intelligence models of language are generally equivalent to older philosophical models
115 ;;Quote: a new situation invokes a frame from memory; includes expectations and assumptions; modify as needed
121 ;;Quote: ELIZA will respond "How long have you been swallowing poison?" instead of responding appropriately
137 ;;Quote: a limited imitation of intelligence will intrude with incomprehensible breakdowns
150 ;;Quote: organizations are networks of commitments
158 ;;Quote: the core of an organization is networks of recurrent conversations for meeting requests and contingencies
159 ;;Quote: perform a speech act using the coordinator by selecting the illocutionary force, the propositional content, and temporal relationships
159+;;Quote: the basic conversational building-blocks include request/promise, offer/accept, and report/acknowledge
161 ;;Quote: a person can specify a recurrent pattern of speech acts to be performed by the coordinator
161 ;;Quote: the coordinator only deals with the systematic aspect of language (i.e., commitments) that is crucial for coordination
162 ;;Quote: day-to-day people are blind to the pervasiveness of commitment; need education for communicative competence
164 ;;Quote: a transparency of interaction is crucial in the design of tool, e.g., controls for a car; don't mimic human faculties
176 ;;Quote: a human society operates through requests and promises that form a network of commitments; can computerize the conversations for action
176+;;Quote: communication is a process of commitment and interpretation, not one of transmitting information or symbols