23 ;;Quote: to describe patterns of behavior, first pick names for types of events; i.e., event classes
24 ;;Quote: an object's 'alphabet' is the set of names of events that it can engage in
24 ;;Quote: the alphabet (events) for an object simplifies its behavior; e.g., ignore emptying the coin box of a vending machine
24 ;;Quote: an event in CSP is atomic; use start and finish events for time-consuming actions
24 ;;Quote: in choosing an object's alphabet of events, do not distinguish the cause of the event; e.g., 'choc' and 'coin' for a vending machine
25 ;;Quote: in CSP, x->P describes an object engaging in event x and then doing process P
27 ;;Quote: a clock is an unbounded number of ticks, i.e., CLOCK = (tick -> CLOCK)
29 ;;Quote: in CSP, (x->P | y->Q) describes an object that engages in events x or y and then behaves as process P or Q
41 ;;Quote: a trace for a process is a serialization of the events it engages in
65 ;;Quote: in CSP, describe the environment of a process as a process
66 ;;Quote: P||Q is a process composed of synchronous, interacting processes P and Q; same as Q||P
68 ;;Quote: P||Q are concurrent when the alphabets of P and Q differ; only shared events require simultaneous participation
102 ;;Quote: a process specified by 'P .upendedBox. Q' can be implemented by building either P or Q; non-deterministic
102+;;Quote: the main advantage of nondeterminism is in specifying a process; allows either implementation
133 ;;Quote: c!v is the communication event 'output message v on channel c'; c?x for input
238 ;;Quote: CSP uses unbuffered, synchronized communication; matches wires and subroutine calls, easy to implement buffering
238+;;Quote: it is easy to implement buffering as a process that uses unbuffered, synchronized communication