Topic: communication port
Topic: file input/output
Topic: I/O streams
Topic: persistent data structure
Topic: programming with forms
Topic: variable as function that accesses an object's value
Topic: virtual memory
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I/O can be performed through variable access. Variables may be identified with I/O channels or files, variables may reference virtual memory located on disk, or variables may reference data fields in reports or input forms. (cbb 5/80)
Subtopic: persistent data
Quote: declare data arrays on disk and access as a normal array [»ruhlRC11_1976]
| Subtopic: input/output channels
Quote: c!v is the communication event 'output message v on channel c'; c?x for input [»hoarCA_1985]
| Quote: assignments to OUTPUT in SNOBOL invoke a procedure with predetermined parameters [»hansDR5_1978a]
| QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;2/16/74 output is also a variable eg $TTO = "to the house"
| QuoteRef: seedH_1971 ;;72 fields are the memory locations [i.e. treats input fields as memory
| Subtopic: annotated variables
QuoteRef: thorRC_1969 ;; x=? means print value of x
| QuoteRef: thorRC_1969 ;; symbol t? for console input and output
| QuoteRef: seedH_1971 ;;99 can specify fields are emptied after printing
Related Topics
Topic: communication port (40 items)
Topic: file input/output (21 items)
Topic: I/O streams (17 items)
Topic: persistent data structure (37 items)
Topic: programming with forms (26 items)
Topic: variable as function that accesses an object's value (21 items)
Topic: virtual memory (32 items)