ThesaHelp: references p-r
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: resourceful, redundant systems for reliability
Topic: asynchronous processing
Topic: hard real time systems
Topic: safety critical systems
Topic: hardware for interprocess communication
Topic: synchronized processing
Group: program proving
Topic: theorem proving systems
Topic: man-machine symbiosis
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Rushby, J., von Henke, F.,
"Formal verification of algorithms for critical systems",
Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT '91 Conference on Software for Critical Systems,
Software Engineering Notes, 16, 5, December 1991, pp. 1-15.
3 ;;Quote: an asynchronous, triply-redundant voting system was unstable because channels sampled sensors at different times; bad at control points
| 3 ;;Quote: for digital flight-control use synchronous channels, sensor data to all channels, and exact-match majority voting; needs fault-tolerant clock synchronization, etc.
| 6 ;;Quote: formally verified Byzantine failure clock synchronization with EHDM; difficult; found many errors, though none serious
| 7 ;;Quote: using an interactive proof system produced a publishable proof, enumeration of all assumptions, and exploration of changed assumptions
| 11 ;;Quote: an automatic theorem prover may be worse; no human review and no help with discovering proof errors; should automate calculations, etc.
| 12 ;;Quote: need interactive system for effective theorem proving; users provide strategy and insights, computers do the calculations
| 12 ;;Quote: an interactive proof should produce a publishable proof and a robust, strategy for automating the proof
| 13 ;;Quote: a theorem prover acts as an implacable skeptic that insists on stated assumptions and justified claims; not an oracle
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