Group: meaning and truth
Group: digital communication
Group: information
Topic: boolean values, binary numbers, and bit strings
Topic: entropy
Topic: reliable communication
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Shannon, C.E.,
"The mathematical theory of communication",
Bell System Technical Journal, July-October 1948, pp. 379-423, 623-656.
Other Reference
p. 29-125 in Shannon, C.E and Weaver, W., The Mathematical Theory of Communication, Urbana Illinois: The University of Illinois Press, 1964
31 ;;Quote: communication reproduces a message from a set of possible messages; semantics and meaning are irrelevant
| 32 ;;Quote: use logarithm to measure information; parameters tend to vary linearly with the logarithm of the number of possibilities; e.g., two punched cards vs. one
| 32 ;;Quote: a bit is a binary digit; for measuring information
| 33 ;;Quote: a communication system transmits information from a source over a channel, where it is received at its destination
| 48 ;;Quote: entropy is the measure of information; the only continuous property that increases with more choices, and decomposition is a weighted sum
| 70 ;;Quote: fundamental theorem for a discrete channel with noise; if source entropy less than channel capacity, average frequency of error is arbitrarily small
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