ThesaHelp: references p-r
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Group: testing
Topic: handling complexity
Topic: hardware vs. software
Topic: sensitivity of software to change
Topic: analog processor
Topic: programming by sequential implementation
Topic: incremental development
Group: artificial intelligence
Topic: heuristic-based systems
Topic: limitations of artificial intelligence and cognitive science
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Parnas, D.L.,
"Software aspects of strategic defense systems",
Communications of the ACM, 28, 12, pp. 1326-1335, December 1985.
1327 ;;Quote: analog systems can be reliable because they are continuous; small input changes cause small output changes
| 1328 ;;Quote: computer hardware is reliable because its repetitive structure does not need exhaustive testing
| 1328 ;;Quote: software systems are neither repetitive nor continuous; large number of discrete states
| 1329 ;;Quote: a reliable system must be tested extensively under realistic conditions; a strategic defense system can not be tested
| 1329 ;;Quote: it is only through modifications that software becomes reliable
| 1329 ;;Quote: most projects based on 'think like a computer'; but too much to remember and the rules become too complex
| 1330 ;;Quote: programming is a trial and error craft
| 1332 ;;Quote: one form of artificial intelligence consists of solving problems that have required human intelligence
| 1332+;;Quote: another form of artificial intelligence uses heuristic or rule-base programming to solve a problem like a human seems to solves it
| 1332 ;;Quote: heuristic or rule-base programming is dangerous because the rules are developed by trial and error; hard to predict effects
| 1333 ;;Quote: artificial intelligence is like intelligence just as artificial flowers are like flowers; from a distance they may look alike
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