ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Group: artificial intelligence
Topic: reductionism
Topic: what is a computer
Topic: people vs. computers
Topic: evolutionary systems
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Shannon, C.E.,
"Programming a computer for playing chess",
Philosophical Magazine, 41, March 1950, pp. 256-275.
Other Reference
First presented at the National IRE Convention, March 9, 1949, New York.
265 ;;Quote: want to represent chess as numbers and operations on numbers, and to reduce strategy to a sequence of computer orders
| 265+;;Quote: a computer program must be written in words of one microsyllable
| 268 ;;Quote: play chess by maximizing and minimizing the value of the current position; computed by adding terms for such properties as doubled pawns
| 270 ;;Quote: a chess program needs functions to determine stable positions (no pieces en prise) and potentially useful moves
| 270+;;Quote: a chess program should play a fairly strong game, at speeds comparable to humans
| 271 ;;Quote: computers have high-speed calculations and freedom from errors, laziness and nerves; humans have flexibility, imagination, induction and learning
| 272 ;;Quote: can use statistical variations during the chess opening and can play by the book, like masters
| 272 ;;Quote: a program could learn if a higher-level program changed its evaluation functions according to the results of games played
| 272+;;Quote: a program could randomly vary its evaluation function and select those variations that perform best
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