Topic: handling complexity
Topic: randomness
Group: artificial intelligence
Topic: understanding systems
Topic: task scheduling
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Menzies, T., Owen, D., Richardson, J.,
"The strangest thing about software",
Computer, IEEE, January 2007, pp. 54-60.
54 ;;Quote: software is too complex to work; a model of 300 Boolean variables has more internal states than stars in the sky
| 54+;;Quote: software must have internal regularies which can be found by random search
| 54 ;;Quote: collar variables are variables that determine the behavior of the rest of the system
| 55 ;;Quote: random search of scheduling solutions more effective than complete search; master or collar variables determine the behavior
| 58 ;;Quote: solve large N-queens problems using random search; up to board size 26
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Topic: handling complexity (60 items)
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