
Topic: names independent of objects

topics > Group: naming

alias names
causal theory of names
meaning vs. reference
meaning without reference
names as place holders
names as rigid designators
naming by pointing or recognition
number as a named set of numbers
number representation
objects without names
proper names
separate a module's interface specification from its implementation
symbolic representation
unique numeric names as surrogates
using a description as a name


A name is a different logical type than the thing named. A name is a symbol that represents an object. An object may have multiple names. An object may also have an address or denoting phrase. Names should be separate from address. (cbb 12/00)
Subtopic: name neither representation nor thing up

Quote: a name is a different logical type than the thing named [»bateG_1979]
Quote: name representations represent a name in a computer; confused with names [»senkME1_1973]

Subtopic: separate name from thing up

Quote: a name can be used as a rigid designator because the identity of an object is separable from its description; e.g., Homer need not have written the Odyssey [»searJR_1983]
Quote: Simula provides safe reference by separating reference from the thing itself; e.g., queue elements have succ, pred, out, and into [»nygaK10_1983, OK]
Quote: the key idea of pi-calculus is naming or reference; concurrency requires the independent identity of its components [»milnR1_1993]

Subtopic: separate name and address up

Quote: the name and address of an object should be separate with dynamic binding of name to address [»watsRW_1981]
Quote: naming indirectly through a registration database separates name from address [»birrAD4_1982]
Quote: a name at one level can be bound to more than one address at another; e.g., to any server for a resource [»watsRW_1981]

Subtopic: objects/links vs. strings/labels up

Quote: use objects and links to represent things; use character strings for description and communication [»kentW_1978]
Quote: a thing object is a node on a graph; its label may be changed, deleted, or duplicated [»kentW_1978]
Quote: use labels to avoid knowledge of absolute position within a list [»maclBJ_1987]
Quote: in Subtext, explicit links are primary; every label could be 'foo'; links are immediately-bound; stored in a database while editing [»edwaJ10_2005]
Quote: traditional programming requires the constant invention of unique names just to create structure
Quote: names are too rich in meaning to waste on talking to computers; Subtext frees names from syntax [»edwaJ10_2005]

Subtopic: things with multiple names up

Quote: a particular day is a single concept, but its names come in various forms [»kentW_1978]
Quote: that a mark refers to the same object on two occasions is a convenient but contingent usage; e.g., a language in which "x=y" is analytic [»searJR_1958]
Quote: assigning a name to a value is the same as assigning a title to a person [»hehnEC_1977a]
Quote: a person may have several titles, but a title only one assignee; titles may be reassigned
Quote: a single logical object may have different identifiers and different types in different databases; user needs to specify equivalences [»ahmeR12_1991]
Quote: by separating objects and names can have different types of names for the same thing, e.g., legal name and employee number [»kentW_1978]
Quote: names can have different relationships to things; e.g., legal name, maiden name, descriptive name [»kentW_1978]

Subtopic: names of multiple things up

Quote: naming should support replicated objects [»watsRW_1981]

Subtopic: equality and names up

Quote: a=a vs. a=b indicates that Sameness is a relation between names of objects; only a=a is a priori [»fregG_1892]
Quote: equal naming domains or organizations does not imply physical adjacency [»oppeDC7_1983]
Quote: in V, each object manager implements names for its objects; since name lookup is only one step of an operation; also simpler consistency [»cherDR3_1988]

Subtopic: named constants up

Quote: essential information in a specification must not rely on arbitrary details; e.g., use mnemonic names instead of numbers or sequences [»heniKL1_1980]
Quote: use abbreviations to indicate dialing information, allows the same phone number to be stored at every site; e.g., nyc or boston [»nowiDA8_1978]
Quote: a manuscript should refer to files through indirect symbolic names; prevents dependence on a particular installation [»reidBK_1980]

Subtopic: surrogate names up

Quote: naming by two objects, a nameless object which is a surrogate for a real one and a symbolic object which is its name [»kentW_1978]
Quote: a surrogate stands for a real thing within a system; its symbols can be different [»kentW_1978]
Quote: with surrogates, symbolic names can be described independently of real objects [»kentW_1978]

Subtopic: do not use proper names as primary key up

Quote: do not use proper names as the sole index to critical records; they serve many functions and create difficult problems [»normDA4_1993]

Subtopic: names of objects up

Quote: a name must name something, otherwise it is not a name; in 'Did Homer exist?', Homer is an abbreviation for a definite description [»russB_1919, OK]
Quote: an object is correlative with a proper name, singular term, or definite description

Related Topics up

Topic: alias names (39 items)
Topic: causal theory of names (21 items)
Topic: meaning vs. reference (49 items)
Topic: meaning without reference (31 items)
Topic: names as place holders (4 items)
Topic: names as rigid designators (43 items)
Topic: namespace (19 items)
Topic: naming by pointing or recognition (13 items)
Topic: number as a named set of numbers (15 items)
Topic: number representation (16 items)
Topic: objects without names (7 items)
Topic: proper names (35 items)
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation (86 items)
Topic: symbolic representation (26 items)
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates (67 items)
Topic: using a description as a name
(21 items)

Updated barberCB 9/04
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