ThesaHelp: references p-r
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: software portability
Topic: page formatting
Topic: word processing
Topic: named constants and expressions
Topic: names independent of objects
Topic: absolute vs. relative names
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Reid, B.K.,
"A high-level approach to computer document formatting ",
ACM Principles of Programming Lang , pp. 24-31 , 1980.
25 ;;Quote: Scribe has a database of definitions for producing a document type on a printing device
| 25 ;;Quote: a manuscript should refer to files through indirect symbolic names; prevents dependence on a particular installation
| 29 ;;Quote: Scribe is a successful page formatter; portable and easily taught
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ThesaHelp: references p-r (245 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z (280 items)
Topic: programming with a database of modules (94 items)
Topic: software portability (43 items)
Topic: page formatting (16 items)
Topic: word processing (13 items)
Topic: named constants and expressions (21 items)
Topic: names independent of objects (34 items)
Topic: absolute vs. relative names (12 items)