ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: implementing distributed systems and applications
Topic: communication protocols
Topic: security leaks and weaknesses
Topic: password protection
Topic: named constants and expressions
Topic: names independent of objects
Topic: binding of names to objects
Topic: early vs. late binding
Topic: software change management
Group: electronic mail
Topic: software maintenance and testing of distributed systems
Topic: one-way hash function
Topic: automated testing
Topic: test scripts
Group: software maintenance
Topic: ease of learning
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Nowitz, D.A., Lesk, M.E.,
"A Dial-up network of UNIX systems".
Other Reference
Unix documentation
2 ;;Quote: Unix network by a spool directory containing work to be done; after logging in to the remote machine, the uucico programs agree on protocols
| 2 ;;Quote: a call-back, prevents a site from masquerading as another site
| 2 ;;Quote: can catch masquerades if each machine maintains a sequence count with other machines and verifies the previous count
| 3 ;;Quote: use abbreviations to indicate dialing information, allows the same phone number to be stored at every site; e.g., nyc or boston
| 4 ;;Quote: Unix communications network mainly used for software maintenance (1978)
| 5 ;;Quote: run test cases from remote systems on the local site to help identify the error; e.g., a misconfiguration or old version
| 5 ;;Quote: exchange checksums to avoid copying large amounts of usually identical data
| 6 ;;Quote: need a full system for remote software maintenance; exchanging tapes results in out-of-date versions at remote sites
| 6 ;;Quote: need systematic regression testing on both distributing and receiving sites; can automate acceptance test; more reliable under change
| 6 ;;Quote: once the Unix network was in use, system maintainers were easily persuaded to keep it running and improve throughput
| 6 ;;Quote: make network commands look like standard UNIX system commands; avoids training costs
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Topic: implementing distributed systems and applications (41 items)
Topic: communication protocols (61 items)
Topic: security leaks and weaknesses (56 items)
Topic: password protection (42 items)
Topic: named constants and expressions (21 items)
Topic: names independent of objects (34 items)
Topic: binding of names to objects (16 items)
Topic: early vs. late binding (15 items)
Topic: software change management (48 items)
Group: electronic mail (12 topics, 170 quotes)
Topic: software maintenance and testing of distributed systems (16 items)
Topic: one-way hash function (23 items)
Topic: automated testing (24 items)
Topic: test scripts (13 items)
Group: software maintenance (14 topics, 355 quotes)
Topic: ease of learning (36 items)