
Topic: binding of names to objects

topics > Group: naming


alias names
binding names to variables or expressions
declaration scope
early vs. late binding
environment variables
group names
hypertext subsets, webs, and contexts
implementation of Thesa data objects
named constants and expressions
names defined by context
naming by pointing or recognition
objects without names
parameter passing by name
pointers to data
type reflection and introspection
variable as reference to a value


A binding associates a name with a particular value or object. The binding can be given, a function, or defined by the context. Frege generalizes a binding as a criterion of identity.

An alias may serve as a universal name with particular instantiations (e.g., 'nyc' for the New York City dial code). A declaration scope defines the domain for a binding. (cbb 12/00)

Subtopic: binding up

Quote: a binding associates a name with a particular value or object [»maclBJ12_1983]
Quote: every object has a criterion of identity for recognizing the object as the same again; also applies to its names [»dummM_1967]
Quote: an object is the correlate of a proper name; concepts correspond to one-place predicates; relations correspond to two-place relational expressions [»dummM_1967]
Quote: Frege's criterion of identity was for complex names such as "the direction of the line a"
Quote: in an FFP system, use a representation function to associate objects to functions [»backJ8_1978a]
QuoteRef: wulfWA4_1974 ;;4 the colon ":" is the general binding operator
Quote: if A is an array in a cell computer, the name A(i) must be moved whenever cell i is changed [»hehnEC_1977a]

Subtopic: binding as a data type up

Quote: Vesta defines builds with a functional language, SDL (system description language); dynamically typed with closures and bindings; can be hard to understand [»heydA_2006]
Quote: a build is a series of tool invocations in a controlled naming environment; each invocation has a slightly different environment or binding; defines dot as the implicit, current environment [»heydA_2006]
Quote: Vesta merges hierarchical bindings with the overlay and recursive overlay operators; [»heydA_2006]

Subtopic: naming up

Quote: in V, each object manager implements names for its objects; since name lookup is only one step of an operation; also simpler consistency [»cherDR3_1988]
Quote: a global transfer of control affects storage allocation and name bindings; invokes a new piece of program text [»lampBW_1974]
Quote: use abbreviations to indicate dialing information, allows the same phone number to be stored at every site; e.g., nyc or boston [»nowiDA8_1978]

Subtopic: well-known names up

Quote: the V kernel has a large range of fixed, well-known group IDs; e.g., for file servers [»cherDR4_1984]

Subtopic: immediate binding up

Quote: instead of compile-time or run-time binding, Subtext binds immediately; changes are globally replicated with recomputation as needed [»edwaJ10_2005]
Quote: Subtext achieves functional abstraction without hiding meaning behind the delayed binding of indirect reference

Subtopic: replicated objects up

Quote: naming should support replicated objects [»watsRW_1981]

Subtopic: name depends on context up

Quote: whether a symbol is one of the handles of some object, depends on the current scope; the denoted object may change with scope [»kentW6_1991]

Subtopic: problems with names up

Quote: in command and programming languages too many ways to bind names to values [»heerJ4_1985]

Related Topics up

Group: parameters   (10 topics, 145 quotes)

Topic: alias names (39 items)
Topic: binding names to variables or expressions (10 items)
Topic: declaration scope (16 items)
Topic: early vs. late binding (15 items)
Topic: environment variables (5 items)
Topic: group names (16 items)
Topic: hypertext subsets, webs, and contexts (12 items)
Topic: implementation of Thesa data objects (27 items)
Topic: named constants and expressions (21 items)
Topic: names defined by context (36 items)
Topic: namespace (19 items)
Topic: naming by pointing or recognition (13 items)
Topic: objects without names (7 items)
Topic: parameter passing by name (11 items)
Topic: pointers to data (55 items)
Topic: type reflection and introspection (28 items)
Topic: variable as reference to a value
(21 items)

Updated barberCB 4/04
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