Topic: access by current position
Topic: binding of names to objects
Topic: causal theory of names
Topic: denoting phrases and definite descriptions
Topic: meaning vs. reference
Topic: meaning without reference
Topic: names defined by context
Topic: names independent of objects
Topic: naming by pointing or recognition
Topic: pronoun reference
Topic: using an address as a name
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An object does not need a name. But to be an object, it must be identifiable or recognized as an object.
Does its location in time and space serve as a name? (cbb 12/00)
Subtopic: objects without names
Quote: often things do not have individual, unique names, e.g., a nail [»kentW_1978]
| Quote: a thing does not have to have a unique name or any name at all [»kentW_1978]
| Quote: babies do not have names right after birth but data still gets recorded about them [»kentW_1978]
| Subtopic: denoting phrases
Quote: all thinking starts with acquaintance but succeeds for many things that we can only reach by denoting phrases [»russB_1956]
| Quote: in conceptual modeling, an object can exist without a unique identifier, e.g., the author of Ivanhoe is not the same as W. Scott [»borgA1_1985]
| Quote: some entities have no representation; derived from a representation or a related entity [»kentW1_1984]
| Quote: some entities are only known via a related entity, e.g., the 1980 election [»kentW1_1984]
Related Topics
Topic: access by current position (7 items)
Topic: binding of names to objects (19 items)
Topic: causal theory of names (21 items)
Topic: denoting phrases and definite descriptions (21 items)
Topic: meaning vs. reference (49 items)
Topic: meaning without reference (31 items)
Topic: names defined by context (36 items)
Topic: names independent of objects (34 items)
Topic: naming by pointing or recognition (13 items)
Topic: pronoun reference (23 items)
Topic: using an address as a name (22 items)