Group: type declaration
Topic: initialization of data
Topic: casting a variable to a different type
Topic: data type as constructors, selectors, and predicates
Topic: shared objects
Topic: notation for declarations
ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: finalization of data
Topic: function syntax definition
Topic: binding of names to objects
Topic: reusable programming
Topic: real numbers and floating point numbers
Topic: object-defined names
Topic: generated variable
Topic: data type by access rights
Topic: data type by lexical constraints
Topic: compile-time execution
Topic: constants
Topic: primitive data types for Thesa
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Wulf, W.A.,
"ALPHARD toward a language to support structured programming", Carnegie-Mellon, Computer Science Department, April 1974.
Other Reference
NTIS AD-785-417
2 ;;Quote: computer scientists stand on each other's toes
| QuoteRef: wulfWA4_1974 ;;4 "a form can be instantiated simply by mentioning its name together with any requisite actual parameters" eg decl x: complex
| 4 ;;Quote: instantiating 'complex' instantiates two instance of the form 'real' with the names 'r' and 'i'
| QuoteRef: wulfWA4_1974 ;;4 the colon ":" is the general binding operator
| 5 ;;Quote: if a function's parameter requires additional rights, then all callers must indicate those rights.
| QuoteRef: wulfWA4_1974 ;;6 names may be common or unique -- e.g., a common element pool with unique head for each list
| QuoteRef: wulfWA4_1974 ;;7 every form has a create and destroy function for own and local instantiations
| 8 ;;Quote: the syntax of a literal defines a calculation that converts a print name into an internal value
| 8 ;;Quote: a literal is a constant variable whose value is suggested by its print name
| QuoteRef: wulfWA4_1974 ;;8 declare forms with type returned eg form a(x:int):int= and b:a(5) b is an integer. form a= is same as form a:a =
| QuoteRef: wulfWA4_1974 ;;9 association operator to see a storage cell as being more than one type
Related Topics
Group: type declaration (5 topics, 107 quotes)
Topic: initialization of data (42 items)
Topic: casting a variable to a different type (7 items)
Topic: data type as constructors, selectors, and predicates (20 items)
Topic: shared objects (13 items)
Topic: notation for declarations (20 items)
ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: finalization of data (10 items)
Topic: function syntax definition (17 items)
Topic: binding of names to objects (16 items)
Topic: reusable programming (77 items)
Topic: real numbers and floating point numbers (37 items)
Topic: object-defined names (15 items)
Topic: generated variable (7 items)
Topic: data type by access rights (20 items)
Topic: data type by lexical constraints (15 items)
Topic: compile-time execution (17 items)
Topic: constants (21 items)
Topic: primitive data types for Thesa (82 items)