Group: program module
Group: variables
Topic: absolute vs. relative names
Topic: access to components of a data object
Topic: access to objects by a path
Topic: constants
Topic: data record
Topic: declaration scope
Topic: generated variable
Topic: hierarchical naming
Topic: names defined by context
Topic: namespace
Topic: object-oriented fields
Topic: object-oriented objects
Topic: relational database
Topic: unique names
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Declaration of an object often defines more than one name. For instance declaration of a complex number also defines names for accessing the number's real and imaginary parts: while declaration of a random number will define a local seed variable. Declaring a class instance similarly declares a group of interrelated names. Object defined names controls and structures the set of names in a program. (cbb 5/80)
Subtopic: data type as naming
Quote: a type module is an abstraction of naming; its execution introduces new names [»hehnEC7_1975]
| Quote: in V, each object manager implements names for its objects; since name lookup is only one step of an operation; also simpler consistency [»cherDR3_1988]
| Quote: a class definition defines names for temporaries, instance variables, and class variables [»goldA3_1976]
| Quote: Smalltalk classes defines variables for activations, non-recursive instances, and classes [»shocJF9_1979, OK]
| Quote: instantiating 'complex' instantiates two instance of the form 'real' with the names 'r' and 'i' [»wulfWA4_1974]
| QuoteRef: hehnEC7_1975 ;;41 definition of a module defines a set of complex names
| QuoteRef: hehnEC7_1975 ;;39 defining a random variable also defines the variable to implement that random (so don't need a global variable)
| Subtopic: builtin names
Quote: Smalltalk sets 'isnew' true to initiate initialization
| QuoteRef: memorex ;;2-22 can get length of a symbol's value in storage words
| Subtopic: access chains
Quote: fishdeath.cause can be a procedure cause operating on argument fishdeath [»palmJ5_1973, OK]
| Quote: access remote data by a chain of pointers; e.g., ABC is the name of A->B->C [»knowK8_1966, OK]
| Quote: in Simula, fishdeath.cause.countermeasure.cost yields a value according to class methods [»palmJ5_1973, OK]
| Subtopic: naming scope
QuoteRef: wirtN1_1971 ;;54 in Pascal, WITH record-variable DO, all ids assumed first within record
| Quote: a record in Pascal defines a local naming scope which is opened with the dot operator [»maclBJ_1987]
| Subtopic: relational names
Quote: data in relational database addressed by relation name, attribute name, and primary key [»coddEF2_1982]
Related Topics
Group: program module (10 topics, 336 quotes)
Group: variables (10 topics, 128 quotes)
Topic: absolute vs. relative names (12 items)
Topic: access to components of a data object (4 items)
Topic: access to objects by a path (13 items)
Topic: constants (21 items)
Topic: data record (57 items)
Topic: declaration scope (16 items)
Topic: generated variable (7 items)
Topic: hierarchical naming (28 items)
Topic: names defined by context (36 items)
Topic: namespace (19 items)
Topic: object-oriented fields (28 items)
Topic: object-oriented objects (39 items)
Topic: relational database (35 items)
Topic: unique names (58 items)