ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: object-oriented fields
Topic: object-oriented data types
Topic: object-oriented classes
Topic: parameter passing by message
Topic: descriptive naming
Topic: data types in Thesa
Topic: data type by name or tags
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking
Topic: data types are not needed
Topic: is a name a literal string or a symbol
Topic: object-defined names
Topic: initialization of data
Group: program control
Topic: abstraction
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Shoch, J.F.,
"An overview of the programming language Smalltalk-72",
SIGPLAN, 14, 9, pp. 64-73, September 1979.
64 ;;Quote: in Smalltalk, objects as class instance, each object has a local state, each class has shared memory
| 64+;;Quote: in Smalltalk, classes define the meaning of messages
| 65 ;;Quote: each object includes knowledge of its class
| 65 ;;Quote: infix operators in Smalltalk by sending +4 to the object 3
| 66 ;;Quote: the interpretation of a Smalltalk message is intrinsic to the class
| 66 ;;Quote: found that unusual symbols often convey meaning better than a reserved word; especially with children
| 67 ;;Quote: Smalltalk objects are typed by their class
| 67+;;Quote: in Smalltalk, any object can be assigned to any name without type restrictions
| 67 ;;Quote: in Smalltalk, SomeName returns itself instead of its binding; helped explain value/thing distinction to kids
| 68 ;;Quote: Smalltalk classes defines variables for activations, non-recursive instances, and classes
| 68+;;Quote: Smalltalk sets 'isnew' true to initiate initialization
| 70 ;;Quote: Smalltalk defines a control structure as a class that creates and executes the necessary objects
| 70 ;;Quote: Plato's theory of forms postulates the existence of abstract forms
| 72 ;;Quote: by sending a message, the recipient decides its interpretation and syntax
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