Topic: initialization of data
Topic: memory management by garbage collection
Topic: hypertext links
Topic: pointers to data
ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: notation for program clusters
Topic: Thesa data structures
Topic: type inheritance as reuse
Topic: object-oriented fields
Topic: type reflection and introspection
Topic: non-exclusive data type
Topic: object-oriented classes
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism
Topic: object-oriented objects
Topic: access to objects by a path
Topic: object-defined names
Topic: names defined by context
Topic: variable as function that accesses an object's value
Topic: software portability
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Palme, J.,
"Simula as a tool for extensible program products", in Bates, D. (ed.),
State of the Art Report on Commercial Language Systems, Infotech International, 1974.
Other Reference
NTIS PB-221 593, May 1973
QuoteRef: palmJ5_1973 ;;6 structures by class with accessing and modification procedures eg Class person (public components), type-declarations, begin private-components (eg links internal info), procedure definitions (eg integer procedure age; age := yearnow -birthyear), initialization. routine(eg links person into a doubly linked chain)
| QuoteRef: palmJ5_1973 ;;6 Simula uses :- for linked to
| QuoteRef: palmJ5_1973 ;;9 all data initialized- by allocation (eg New person ("john", 1936, male) by initialization routine, or zero for data and nil for pointers
| QuoteRef: palmJ5_1973 ;;9 Automatic garbage collection of non-referenced structures
| 12 ;;Quote: in Simula, can extend a class by appending information
| 14 ;;Quote: in Simula, the attributes available depends on the object's class
| 15 ;;Quote: before using an object as a different class, need to check for the class
| 15 ;;Quote: dynamic selection of a procedure according to class of object
| 16 ;;Quote: in Simula, fishdeath.cause.countermeasure.cost yields a value according to class methods
| 16 ;;Quote: fishdeath.cause can be a procedure cause operating on argument fishdeath
| 18 ;;Quote: portability is a result of few concepts and complete definition
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Topic: Thesa data structures (59 items)
Topic: type inheritance as reuse (27 items)
Topic: object-oriented fields (28 items)
Topic: type reflection and introspection (28 items)
Topic: non-exclusive data type (16 items)
Topic: object-oriented classes (66 items)
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism (65 items)
Topic: object-oriented objects (36 items)
Topic: access to objects by a path (13 items)
Topic: object-defined names (15 items)
Topic: names defined by context (36 items)
Topic: variable as function that accesses an object's value (21 items)
Topic: software portability (43 items)