
Topic: finalization of data

topics > computer science > data > Group: data value

data type as constructors, selectors, and predicates
initialization of data
memory management by garbage collection


Data is finalized before it is destroyed. For example, finalization may be used to release allocated resources. In C++, a finalizer is called a destructor.

Finalization works well for locally scoped objects and explicit destructors. It helps prevent resource leaks for exception handling and other abnormal execution sequences.

For garbage-collected objects, programmers should not depend on finalization. Finalization may occur long after the data becomes inaccessible. It may never occur. An alternative is registering the object for cleanup. (cbb 7/06)

Subtopic: finalization up

Quote: an abstract data type needs a finalization operation that occurs on deallocation of an object; for updating related data structures [»schwRL3_1981]
QuoteRef: wulfWA4_1974 ;;7 every form has a create and destroy function for own and local instantiations
Quote: delete objects of a derived class with a virtual destructor in the base class; it will know the size of the object [»stroB_1991]
Quote: classes with nontrivial destructors need to define an assignment operator and copy constructor

Subtopic: exceptions up

Quote: if a fictitious block for each declaration then exceptions can finalize the object before reraising the exception [»schwRL3_1981]
Quote: exception-safety provides the basic-guarantee and may provide strong or no-throw guarantees; destructors do not throw exceptions [»abraD4_1998]

Subtopic: registration server up

Quote: use a registration server instead of garbage-collection; register an object for cleanup at program termination; remove registration if object is explicitly terminated

Subtopic: problems up

Quote: exceptions during finalization and initialization are difficult to handle properly
Quote: ill-defined finalization operations introduces serious complications to a language [»schwRL3_1981]
Quote: actions performed "at garbage-collection time" may occur any time between the object's last use and program termination; must execute under an unknown state [»stroB_1991]
Quote: Java finalizers execute in an arbitrary order or not at all; avoid or use explicit garbage collection

Related Topics up

Topic: data type as constructors, selectors, and predicates (20 items)
Topic: initialization of data (45 items)
Topic: memory management by garbage collection
(116 items)

Updated barberCB 6/04
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