ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: finalization of data
Topic: Thesa data structures
Group: exception handling
Topic: exception handling by recovery block or rescue clause
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Schwartz, R.L., Melliar-Smith, P.M.,
"The finalization operation for abstract types",
Proceedings 5th International Conference on Software Engineering , IEEE Computer Society, March 1981, pp. 273-282.
273 ;;Quote: an abstract data type needs a finalization operation that occurs on deallocation of an object; for updating related data structures
| 274 ;;Quote: ill-defined finalization operations introduces serious complications to a language
| 274+;;Quote: exceptions during finalization and initialization are difficult to handle properly
| 280 ;;Quote: if a fictitious block for each declaration then exceptions can finalize the object before reraising the exception
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ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)
Topic: finalization of data (10 items)
Topic: Thesa data structures (59 items)
Group: exception handling (12 topics, 305 quotes)
Topic: exception handling by recovery block or rescue clause (22 items)