Topic: data type compatibility
Topic: dynamic type checking
Topic: primitive data type as memory
Topic: ref_any or Object data type
Topic: type conversion
Topic: type reflection and introspection
Topic: union data type
Topic: variant data types
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking
| |
Subtopic: cast operator
Quote: C's cast operator forces a conversion from one data type to another [»ritcDM7_1978c]
| Quote: instead of an UNSPECIFIED type, use RECAST to treat the same value differently [»gescCM8_1977]
| QuoteRef: wulfWA4_1974 ;;9 association operator to see a storage cell as being more than one type
| Subtopic: type checked casts
Quote: run-time type information and physical subtyping identify 99% of program casts without usng WILD pointers [»necuGC5_2005]
| Subtopic: dynamic cast
Quote: fast dynamic casting using 64-bit type ID and a prime number for each class; requires whole program analysis, e.g., embedded system [»gibbM2_2006]
| Subtopic: casting
Quote: can cast a variable to type Anytype; communicate it; then recast it to its original type for use [»stroR10_1986]
| Quote: Russell allows var to val coercion, e.g. in an arithmetic expression [»demeA3_1979]
Related Topics
Topic: data type compatibility (5 items)
Topic: dynamic type checking (43 items)
Topic: primitive data type as memory (29 items)
Topic: ref_any or Object data type (9 items)
Topic: type conversion (33 items)
Topic: type reflection and introspection (28 items)
Topic: union data type (12 items)
Topic: variant data types (7 items)
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking (42 items)