
Topic: software maintenance and testing of distributed systems

topics > computer science > programming > Group: software maintenance


implementing distributed systems and applications
reliability of distributed systems
software maintenance by patching
testing by voting or N-version
updating information in a distributed system

Subtopic: non-recurring bugs up

Quote: bugs are discovered when they are repetitious; problem of non-recurring bugs such as race conditions [»cbb_1980, OK]

Subtopic: logs up

Quote: Grapevine logs a week's activity at each server; useful for reconstructing failures [»schrMD2_1984]
Quote: debug Grapevine by observing the logs of multiple servers [»schrMD2_1984]

Subtopic: reproducing remote errors up

Quote: run test cases from remote systems on the local site to help identify the error; e.g., a misconfiguration or old version [»nowiDA8_1978]

Subtopic: reversible, distributed execution up

Quote: added reversible execution across multiple processes to Simula; particularly useful for debugging [»lafoF3_1984]

Subtopic: message handler up

Quote: since the message handler sees all messages, messages are easily traced for simulation and checking [»katzL_1981]

Subtopic: centralized server up

Quote: run model calculations on a central machine to give its author control over program maintenance [»gammR_1982]

Subtopic: telephone network up

Quote: used two years of outage records to study failures of the US Public Switched Telephone Network [»kuhnDR4_1997]
Quote: overloads of the telephone network caused almost half of the outage minutes; human error and acts of nature where other major causes [»kuhnDR4_1997]
Quote: human intervention was able to correct many failures of the telephone network in under one hour [»kuhnDR4_1997]

Subtopic: telephone software up

Quote: half of the software in telephone switches concerns error detection and correction; this may explain the low outage rate due to software [»kuhnDR4_1997]
Quote: software errors caused less downtime of the telephone network, 2%, than any other source of failure except vandalism
Quote: restarting a telephone switch temporarily fixed a significant number of software-caused outages

Subtopic: simulation up

Quote: robot simulation particularly useful for testing synchronization and signaling among multiple devices [»craiJJ4_1987]

Subtopic: automate remote maintenance up

Quote: need a full system for remote software maintenance; exchanging tapes results in out-of-date versions at remote sites [»nowiDA8_1978]

Subtopic: programmable controllers up

Quote: with programmable controllers, can change reactors dynamically

Related Topics up

Group: testing   (18 topics, 557 quotes)

Topic: implementing distributed systems and applications (41 items)
Topic: reliability of distributed systems (35 items)
Topic: software maintenance by patching (27 items)
Topic: testing by voting or N-version (10 items)
Topic: updating information in a distributed system
(50 items)

Updated barberCB 3/06
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