
Topic: testing by voting or N-version

topics > computer science > programming > Group: testing

automated testing
consistency testing
error safe systems
resourceful, redundant systems for reliability
safety critical systems
software maintenance and testing of distributed systems
statistical testing based on a usage profile
test data selection
Subtopic: N-version up

Quote: n-version programming for increasing fault tolerance by voting [»knigJC1_1986]
Quote: independently write two versions of a program; the same errors should not occur in both [»pariG_1980]
Quote: n-version systems are self-diagnostic; i.e., log disagreements and debug individual channels [»hattL11_1997]

Subtopic: verify calculations by N-versions up

Quote: demonstrate the validity of Babbage's analytical engine by calculating numerical constants by multiple methods [»babbC_1864, OK]
Quote: punch input data, master routine, and subroutines separately; each tape punched twice and compared to catch errors [»wilkMV_1951]

Subtopic: problems with N-version up

Quote: N-version voting was only partially effective at detecting failures due to a fault
Quote: a reliability model for ultrareliable software requires independent components; not reasonable for software/hardware design flaws [»butlRW12_1991]
Quote: N-version programs have coincident failures greatly exceeding that expected by chance; modest gain in reliability [»eckhDE7_1991]
Quote: when testing n-version programs found dependent errors between versions; reduces its effectiveness [»knigJC1_1986]
Quote: self-checks identified errors missed by N-version coding and consistently found errors (if at all); since examined internal states

Related Topics up

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Topic: error safe systems (75 items)
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Topic: safety critical systems (32 items)
Topic: software maintenance and testing of distributed systems (16 items)
Topic: statistical testing based on a usage profile (27 items)
Topic: test data selection
(39 items)

Updated barberCB 4/05
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