ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: examples of distributed systems and applications
Topic: state machine
Topic: parameter passing by message
Topic: execution tracing
Topic: software maintenance and testing of distributed systems
Topic: open systems
Topic: extensible languages
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Katzschner, L., Van den Brande, F.,
"ITT 1240 Digital Exchange, Software concepts and implementation",
Electrical Communications (ITT), 1981 , 56 , 2/3 , pp. 173-183 .
175 ;;Quote: ITT 1240 software consists of 200 types of FMMs exchanging messages, either directly or through a digital switching network
| 175 ;;Quote: the applicable messages for a finite message machine depends on the current state
| 175 ;;Quote: the message that initiates a new process uses the routing table, later messages go directly to the process
| 176 ;;Quote: since the message handler sees all messages, messages are easily traced for simulation and checking
| 176 ;;Quote: most ITT 1240 FMMs are assigned to processors independently of the code
| 177 ;;Quote: ITT 1240 software uses system support machines for frequently-used modules; invoked by procedure call instead of message
| 178 ;;Quote: for future applications, a message interface includes messages for all relevant information; currently unused messages are ignored
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