Topic: fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same
Topic: representing a relationship
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A relationship can be represented by an object with its own attributes and relations to other objects. (cbb 1/90)
Subtopic: representing relationships
Quote: represent relationships within one thing's record or as a separate record [»kentW_1978]
| Subtopic: arcs vs. nodes
Quote: the arcs of a Petri-net are as real as the objects themselves [»holtAW_1979]
| Subtopic: attributes of relations
Quote: a relationship instance may have attributes or relationships of its own [»kentW_1978]
| Quote: if a relationship is an entity then should have an object for the relationship [»kentW_1978]
| Quote: while relationships typically do not have properties, they may need properties in the future
| Subtopic: relations as nodes
Quote: in pseudo-binary model; relationships are nodes and arcs are roles [»kentW_1978]
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Topic: representing a relationship (28 items)