
Topic: data as a named set of data objects

topics > computer science > Group: data

data value
data type
database model
relationship information

attribute-value pairs as information
collection class
data record
database record
fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same
group names
hypertext nodes made of names
immutable files and data
name of a relationship
naming by pointing or recognition
number as a named set of numbers
pointer machines
Thesa data model
representing a relationship
uniform data model
words defined by words


A data object is a named set of data objects. It could have more than one name. An empty data object is a reference if its name indicates an object, otherwise it is a value. If a data object is non-empty, its set of objects is its attributes or properties.

Where does data type fit into this? I think it's just an attribute of a data object. (cbb 1/90)

Subtopic: named set of data objects up

Quote: a data object is a named set of data objects; empty sets are references or value; non-empty are attributes [»cbb_1990, OK]
Quote: a number is a named set of numbers; a naming function from names to naming functions [»cbb_1990, OK]
Quote: a data object is a number since it is part of the initial state of a computation
Quote: a data file without names is meaningless; a NAMELIST gives the name for each data item [»branR9_1981]
Quote: everything in Self is an object, and an object consists of named slots [»smitRB10_1995]
Quote: if complexes are knowable then one knows the syllable SO but not the letters S and O; this is absurd [»plat_368]
Quote: elements are unknowable; while complexes are knowable and explicable via written letters
Quote: a plex is an interconnect set of n-component elements; represents arbitrarily complex information from any source; e.g., a line has a type, a name, and its two end points

Subtopic: entities as names up

Quote: an entity is anything which a noun or noun phrase can reference [»kentW1_1984]
Quote: elements have only a name; combine names into descriptions of complex things [»plat_368]
Quote: an intensional set is a carrier object, i.e., an object with a persistent identity or name and a mutable content (cargo or extension) [»kentW6_1991]
Quote: a Clearinghouse group is a set of names (a property type) [»oppeDC7_1983]
Quote: Modeler uses uniquely named, immutable objects which contain the names of other objects [»lampBW6_1983]

Subtopic: attributes up

Quote: an n-component element is a set of attributes or properties defining a single unit of information; each component points to the specified property or element [»rossDT_1963]
Quote: use abstract syntax expressions to define, construct, analyze, and classify sets of abstract expressions; e.g., APPL = [opr: EXP, opnd: EXP] defines a set APPL, selectors opr and opnd, classifier appl?, and constructor mk-appl [»reynJC8_1972]
Quote: APPL = [opr: EXP, opnd: EXP] defines a set APPL, selectors opr and opnd, classifier appl?, and constructor mk-appl
Quote: observed or measured information about an entity or relationship is expressed as a set of attribute-value pairs [»chenPP3_1976]
Quote: much of information is the attributes of things [»kentW_1978]
Quote: in conceptual modeling, all information as objects which are related by attributes [»borgA10_1986]
Quote: a base particular is what an object has in addition to its characteristics [»louxMJ_1970, OK]
Quote: a Clearinghouse item is an uninterpreted block of data (a property type) [»oppeDC7_1983]

Subtopic: pseudo-records up

Quote: in a pseudo-record, actual entities (e.g., employees) sit in fields of the record

Related Topics up

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Topic: data record (57 items)
Topic: database record (22 items)
Topic: fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same (37 items)
Topic: group names (16 items)
Topic: hypertext nodes made of names (13 items)
Topic: immutable files and data (59 items)
Topic: name of a relationship (5 items)
Topic: namespace (19 items)
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Topic: number as a named set of numbers (15 items)
Topic: pointer machines (17 items)
Topic: Thesa data model (58 items)
Topic: representing a relationship (28 items)
Topic: uniform data model (19 items)
Topic: words defined by words
(25 items)

Updated barberCB 2/06
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