Group: hypertext
Topic: data as a named set of data objects
Topic: document-centered system
Topic: entity-relationship database model
Topic: fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same
Topic: object-oriented objects
Topic: relational database
Topic: software models of reality
Topic: system integration
Topic: tuples
Topic: uniform language systems
Topic: uniform reference to data
Topic: uniform representation of files and sequences
Topic: universal data type
Topic: XML data type
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Instead of trying to model reality in all its complexity, one can find a simple, clearly defined concept with which to implement a database uniformly. The table of a relational data base is probably the most successful example of a uniform data model. Hypertext also approaches this with its concept of a frame or node, but often the concept is made complicated by many types of nodes and links. (cbb 1/90)
Subtopic: hypertext as universal
Quote: the world needs a universal form of storage which does not slant the data [»nelsTH12_1986]
| Quote: with the World-Wide Web, the user interface is the same for all servers, protocols, and objects [»bernT8_1994]
| Subtopic: string as universal
Quote: scripting languages are often string-oriented; provides a uniform representation for many different things
| Subtopic: file as universal
Quote: the serial file is the fundamental data structure; explored sequentially
| Subtopic: frames as universal
Quote: ZOG integrates a system by imposing a single, uniform data model: frames [»akscRM5_1984]
| Subtopic: table/tuples as universal
Quote: a data model should have a clearly defined conceptual representation such as the table; increases programmer and end-user productivity [»coddEF2_1982]
| Quote: a database relation is a set of tuples, without duplicates [»dateCJ_1998]
| Quote: the primary key plus table name uniquely identifies every row of a relational database; integrity is not enforced by other models [»coddEF_1990]
| Quote: a foreign key refers to a row of another table via a value from the same domain as the primary key [»coddEF_1990]
| Quote: be careful of over-constraining database types; allow new unforeseen uses; object-orientation is too restrictive [»coddEF_1990]
| Quote: both end users and DBMS application programmers should have the same logical level of abstraction [»coddEF_1990]
| Quote: performance-oriented structures should be independent of semantic information in the database and catalog [»coddEF_1990]
| Quote: a value is in first normal form if it is "flat"; i.e., no nested records, sets, or bulk types; allows guaranteed termination of deductive queries [»wongL9_2000]
| Subtopic: object as universal
Quote: with object-orientation, a disk could be a shared repository of custom data types treated uniformly as objects [»coxBJ1_1983]
| Quote: Telesophy made of information units with a label that describes contents [»caplM12_1987]
| Quote: type transparency in Telesophy by all data as information units [»schaBR11_1987]
| Subtopic: predicate as universal
Quote: predicate data model: identify subset of a database, a set of records, by a predicate [»giffDK12_1985]
| Quote: compare values to interrelate database objects instead of using pointers; well understood by all users [»coddEF_1990]
| Subtopic: diversity of data
Quote: the variety of data formats for simple facts makes it difficult to interchange data between sites and applications [»kentW2_1989]
Related Topics
Group: hypertext (44 topics, 786 quotes)
Topic: data as a named set of data objects (22 items)
Topic: document-centered system (12 items)
Topic: entity-relationship database model (22 items)
Topic: fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same (37 items)
Topic: object-oriented objects (39 items)
Topic: relational database (35 items)
Topic: software models of reality (24 items)
Topic: system integration (5 items)
Topic: tuples (17 items)
Topic: uniform language systems (25 items)
Topic: uniform reference to data (34 items)
Topic: uniform representation of files and sequences (14 items)
Topic: universal data type (18 items)
Topic: XML data type (22 items)