ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: information services
Topic: a single system image
Topic: broadcasting information
Topic: loosely structured data
Topic: uniform reference to data
Topic: database implementation
Topic: uniform data model
Topic: archives
Topic: information filters
Topic: encryption
Topic: security issues with electronic mail
Topic: replicated data
Topic: reliability of distributed systems
Topic: message queues for communication
Topic: reliable communication
| |
Gifford, D.K., Baldwin, R.W., Berlin, S.T., Lucassen, J.M.,
"An architecture for large scale information systems",
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles , December 1985,
Operating Systems Review, 19, 5, pp. 161-170.
161 ;;Quote: CommunityInformationSystem when most information is delivered digitally
| 161 ;;Quote: CommunityInformationSystem made of shared servers and user-owned computers
| 162 ;;Quote: a single system image insulates users from distributed systems
| 162 ;;Quote: CommunityInformationSystem broadcasts information via packet radio
| 163 ;;Quote: predicate data model: identify subset of a database, a set of records, by a predicate
| 164 ;;Quote: information assigned to component databases by date and type; once a day, archive current database and create a new component database
| 164 ;;Quote: users retain records which match a query in a filter list that isn't full
| 166 ;;Quote: Community Information Service broadcasts encrypted messages with a key identifier
| 167 ;;Quote: a predicate database is easily relocated, replicated, and independently implemented
| 167 ;;Quote: input messages stored in a queue, only removed when completely processed
| 169 ;;Quote: CommunityInformationSystem distributes over six megabytes a day
| 169 ;;Quote: CommunityInformationSystem has fifteen, outside users
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
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Topic: message queues for communication (36 items)
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