
Topic: XML data type

topics > computer science > data > Group: data type

type declaration

data type by lexical constraints
data type by name or tags
declarative vs. procedural representation
editing data
electronic news and blogs
loosely structured data
object serialization
persistent data structure
semi-structured text
text markup and structured text
type conversion
uniform data model
XML schemas
World-Wide Web


An XML document is a hierarchy of element sequences with element attributes.

All XML values have a textual representation. This limits the possible data types. For example, a string of digits and a numeric attribute are indistinguishable. (cbb 7/06)

Subtopic: XML as labeled tree up

Quote: XML is a labeled tree of elements; each element has an ordered list of children, either a Unicode string or an element; elements have attributes consisting of a name and Unicode string [»vandE_2004]

Subtopic: version control of XML up

Quote: a consolidated delta contains all changes to an XML document at the element level; each element has a unique ID [»rusuLI11_2005]
Quote: reference-based version model (rbvm) for xml stores pointers to maximum unchanged elements in the previous version; XML rooted in a version node [»chieSY9_2001]

Subtopic: stale data up

Quote: XML should indicate nearly, static elements; simplifies update of stale data [»boswA10_2005]

Subtopic: two-part names up

Quote: XML elements and attributes have two-part names consisting of a URI and local part

Subtopic: XML sets up

Quote: Atom XML is a container (feed) of unorder entry elements; must include id, updated, and title; any other elements OK [»boswA10_2005]

Subtopic: attributes up

Quote: use attributes for simple, single-valued, unordered data; e.g., boolean flags [»mcarG10_2002]

Subtopic: external data format up

Quote: an external data format should be self-describing and preserved under round-tripping; e.g., Lisp S-expressions [»simeJ1_2003]

Subtopic: linked XML up

Quote: people understand graphs of tree-like documents (HTML) connected by links (URL) [»boswA10_2005]

Subtopic: programs as XML up

Quote: transform source code into XML for re-engineering and migration; represents all or part of the abstract syntax tree for multiple languages; expands text six-fold [»mcarG10_2002]
Quote: a state-based synchronizer depends only on the common ancestor state and current state; for loosely coupled, XML data [»fostJN8_2005]

Subtopic: internal data format up

Quote: like XML, an xlist has attributes and a list of items [»gareF_2002]
Quote: an xlist has a tag, a namespace URI, an attribute-type map, an attribute-default map, and a list of possible item types [»gareF_2002]
Quote: for processing, encode XML as unordered, edge-labeled trees; each pair of braces denotes a tree node and each id->val a labeled child [»fostJN8_2005]

Subtopic: unparsed data up

Quote: represent unparsed syntax trees by an 'unparsed' element with a 'construct' attribute defining the syntactic unit [»mcarG10_2002]
Quote: treat comments as an unparsed syntax element; associate line comments with previous element [»mcarG10_2002]

Subtopic: problems with XML up

Quote: avoid building serialized abstractions on top of XML; keep processing and data separate [»vandE_2004]
Quote: a XML element is a strange hybrid between a struct, an array, and an object [»gareF_2002]
Quote: a XML document is often a large and deep structure; must split into small pieces for processing
Quote: strings are poor substitutes for value types, enumerated types, and aggregate types [»blocJ_2001]
Quote: XML does not distinguish between data and sets of data [»boswA10_2005]
Quote: XML doesn't handle links; the division of the data world into chunks depends on the person and purpose

Related Topics up

Group: type declaration   (5 topics, 110 quotes)

Topic: data type by lexical constraints (15 items)
Topic: data type by name or tags (29 items)
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation (54 items)
Topic: editing data (6 items)
Topic: electronic news and blogs (25 items)
Topic: loosely structured data (20 items)
Topic: object serialization (13 items)
Topic: persistent data structure (37 items)
Topic: semi-structured text (17 items)
Topic: strings (13 items)
Topic: text markup and structured text (25 items)
Topic: type conversion (33 items)
Topic: uniform data model (19 items)
Topic: XML schemas (16 items)
Topic: World-Wide Web
(42 items)

Updated barberCB 6/05
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