Group: database
Topic: text editing
Topic: editor as the UserInterface
Topic: forms as a UserInterface
Topic: property sheets for objects
Topic: spreadsheet
Topic: XML data type
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Data consists of numbers, text, and metadata. The metadata describes the data's format and organization. Data is typically stored as tables in a database or spreadsheet. XML is useful for hierarchically structured data.
A spreadsheet uses tables, rows, and cells to edit and modify data. Similarly, a database presents data as tables of rows and columns. Changes to the table can become update and insert requests to the database. (cbb 3/07)
Subtopic: database form
Quote: a database form gives labels to fields, allowable values, descriptive information, default values, protection [»shimBE4_1987]
| Subtopic: voice data
Quote: editing voice data is easy because of ease in playing a selected segment of voice and then recognizing the visual pattern [»postJB1_1988]
| Subtopic: edit all data formats
Quote: other types of data need editing, e.g., directories or program state; all editors should be similar [»frasCW3_1980]
| Quote: edited a directory directly, e.g., delete a line of text or rename a file [»frasCW3_1980]
| Quote: edit a collection of arbitrary nodes represented as lines of text; gives list of primitive operations [»frasCW3_1980]
| Subtopic: change data on exit
Quote: when editing data, make the actual changes when the user moves to a new line or executes a special function [»frasCW3_1980]
Related Topics
Group: database (27 topics, 665 quotes)
Topic: text editing (34 items)
Topic: editor as the UserInterface (10 items)
Topic: forms as a UserInterface (11 items)
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Topic: spreadsheet (28 items)
Topic: XML data type (22 items)