
Topic: property sheets for objects

topics > computer science > user interface > Group: graphical user interface

attribute-value pairs as information
data record
direct manipulation for a UserInterface
editing data
editor as the UserInterface
forms as a UserInterface
knowledge representation by frames
menus for a UserInterface
multiple views for a user interface
object-oriented fields
objects as a set of attributes
semi-structured text
spatial vs. temporal representation
type reflection and introspection
windows for a UserInterface
Subtopic: property sheet defines object up

Quote: for each Smalltalk class, methods for the class type and list of properties [»goldA3_1976]
Quote: SUIT uses property lists to store information about an object; also searches the object's class and a global property list [»pausR10_1992]
Quote: the screen shows the visible characteristics of an object while a property sheet gives its underlying structure [»smitDC4_1982]
Quote: a form defines a value as a set of bindings for the value's attributes [»maclBJ12_1983]
Quote: most Star objects described by a property sheet; a form that can be displayed and modified [»smitDC4_1982]
Quote: Star property sheets contain state, choice, and text parameters; emphasizes seeing and pointing
Quote: objects have properties; allow changes in appearance, layout and behavior; e.g., Star's property sheets [»johnJ9_1989]
Quote: each Self object has a unique outliner that lists the object's slots; makes the outliner and object the same
Quote: everything in Self is an object, and an object consists of named slots [»smitRB10_1995]
Quote: a NewtonScript frame is a collection of tagged slots; slots can contain references to objects, frames, and functions [»smitWR10_1995]

Subtopic: edit properties up

Quote: in Star, editing is a common paradigm; used for managing files, working environment (desktop), and properties [»smitDC4_1982]
Quote: in Star you set margins by selecting a paragraph and changing its MARGINS property [»smitDC4_1982]
Quote: the right mouse button should invoke a properties menu that displays changes immediately; a properties menu may be sticky
Quote: SUIT uses direct manipulation (dragging) of properties; e.g., clicking on a color property produces a selection of colors [»pausR10_1992]
Quote: SUIT can dynamically change the display style of a bounded value object; demonstrates abstract data types [»pausR10_1992]

Subtopic: copying properties up

Quote: in Lara, format text by copying attributes from one place to another; use a sample document for format consistency [»gutkJ9_1985]
Quote: to duplicate properties in Star, select a group of objects, press SAME, select the desired object; performs COPY PROPERTIES [»smitDC_1982]
Quote: perform repetitive formatting by dragging the properties of an object with the right mouse button [»machB3_1992]

Subtopic: initialzing properties up

Quote: new SUIT objects given a random location; user may modify it dynamically using hot keys [»pausR10_1992]

Subtopic: property editor up

Quote: selecting an item in Smalltalk caused a nested window to appear; additional levels were easily accessed [»morgC8_1981]
Quote: SUIT's property editor is the same for all objects; easy to learn and immediately available [»pausR10_1992]
Quote: SUIT property editor displays object, class and global property lists; drag-and-drop; makes it easy to learn state inheritance [»pausR10_1992]
Quote: instead of using run-time look up of property names, SUIT uses C constants [»pausR10_1992, OK]
Quote: in Magpie, whenever an item is selected, descriptive information is displayed in an adjoining pane [»deliNM5_1984]

Subtopic: progressive disclosure up

Quote: property sheets support progressive disclosure by hiding complexity until needed [»smitDC4_1982]
Quote: Star's property sheets only display those properties that are applicable; the display is also temporary [»johnJ9_1989]

Subtopic: choice parameters up

Quote: choice parameters display possible values, one of which is on; easier to remember and use [»smitDC_1982]
Quote: true state parameters displayed in reverse video [»smitDC_1982]

Subtopic: searching properties up

Quote: property sheets have keywords; a query returns a list of matching explainers

Related Topics up

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Topic: data record (57 items)
Topic: direct manipulation for a UserInterface (56 items)
Topic: editing data (6 items)
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Topic: forms as a UserInterface (11 items)
Topic: knowledge representation by frames (18 items)
Topic: menus for a UserInterface (31 items)
Topic: multiple views for a user interface (26 items)
Topic: object-oriented fields (28 items)
Topic: objects as a set of attributes (39 items)
Topic: semi-structured text (17 items)
Topic: spatial vs. temporal representation (21 items)
Topic: type reflection and introspection (28 items)
Topic: windows for a UserInterface
(21 items)

Updated barberCB 12/04
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