ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: language flexibility
Topic: uniform language systems
Topic: direct manipulation for a UserInterface
Topic: mouse as the user interface
Topic: menus for a UserInterface
Topic: modes in a user interface
Topic: graphics
Topic: current position in a user interface; cursor
Topic: property sheets for objects
Topic: object-oriented prototypes
Topic: data as a named set of data objects
Topic: source-rich system
Topic: user interface tool kits
Topic: object modification
Topic: object-oriented objects
Topic: browsing with a user interface
Topic: just-in-time compilation
Topic: in-line code
Topic: code optimization by advice and statistics
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Smith, R.B., Maloney, J., Ungar, D.,
"The Self-4.0 user interface: manifesting a system-wide vision of concreteness, uniformity, and flexibility",
Proceedings of Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 95), Austin, Texas, USA, October 1995, ACM, pp. 47-60.
48 ;;Quote: Self emphasizes concreteness, uniformity, and flexibility: program by copy-and-modify, uniform objects and messages, flexible slot structure
| 49 ;;Quote: Self uses the right mouse button for global, object-level actions and the middle mouse button for object-specific actions; action on contact
| 49 ;;Quote: can select an object and then select a menu choice; a context-dependent pop-up menu is more direct
| 49 ;;Quote: can use different cursors such as a paint bucket; requires a selection to change modes; a pop-up menu is more direct
| 50 ;;Quote: everything in Self is an object, and an object consists of named slots
| 50+;;Quote: each Self object has a unique outliner that lists the object's slots; makes the outliner and object the same
| 53 ;;Quote: the entire Self environment is available for direct deconstruction or modification; e.g., add a resize button to a simulation from the resize entry on a menu
| 54 ;;Quote: Self allows modification at any time; most interface builders separate editing from running the interface
| 56 ;;Quote: a Self object holds its own behavior instead of using a class; increases flexibility
| 56+;;Quote: Self outliners present all the state and behavior available to an object through itself and its parents
| 57 ;;Quote: Self inlines many calls via dynamic compilation based on actual method usage
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Topic: direct manipulation for a UserInterface (56 items)
Topic: mouse as the user interface (13 items)
Topic: menus for a UserInterface (30 items)
Topic: modes in a user interface (40 items)
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Topic: current position in a user interface; cursor (23 items)
Topic: property sheets for objects (29 items)
Topic: object-oriented prototypes (39 items)
Topic: data as a named set of data objects (22 items)
Topic: source-rich system (27 items)
Topic: user interface tool kits (31 items)
Topic: object modification (10 items)
Topic: object-oriented objects (36 items)
Topic: browsing with a user interface (14 items)
Topic: just-in-time compilation (19 items)
Topic: in-line code (7 items)
Topic: code optimization by advice and statistics (8 items)