
Topic: just-in-time compilation

topics > computer science > programming > Group: code generation

compressed code
dynamic code modification
early vs. late binding
incremental compilation
incremental execution
intermediate representation of code
load-time code generation
object code linkers and loaders
optimization of object-oriented programs
proving concurrent programs
scripting language
security of remotely executed code
type reflection and introspection
virtual machine
Subtopic: history up

Quote: survey of just-in-time compilation, 1960-2000 [»aycoJ6_2003]

Subtopic: just-in-time compilation, JIT up

Quote: interpret by dynamically translating a compact, flexible or mnemonic representation into a fast representation and caching the result [»lampBW10_1983]
Quote: fast, 8KB JIT translator which is within 2-4X of native code; generated from tree translators for easy retargeting [»frasCW5_1999a]
Quote: Self compiles special-cased machine code on demand at run-time; multiple versions of machine code for one piece of source code; like Deutsch-Schiffman [»ungaD10_1992]
Quote: if a Self primitive rarely fails, the compiler delays compilation of the failure branch [»ungaD10_1992]
Quote: if a Self primitive rarely fails, the compiler delays compilation of the failure branch [»ungaD10_1992]
Quote: use message splitting to prevent the lose of type information when the control flow merges; allows compile-time lookup and in-lining [»ungaD10_1992]

Subtopic: virtual machine up

Quote: VMM translates guest instructions to short, basic block, code fragments; chain fragments together in the translation cache [»adamK10_2006]

Subtopic: interpretation via dynamic compilation up

Quote: interpret by dynamically translating a compact, flexible or mnemonic representation into a fast representation and caching the result [»lampBW10_1983]
QuoteRef: bentLA8_1978 ;;32 "The compiler may well be likened to a translating "dictionary" resident in the computer memory.
Quote: once a program is translated into simpler, more familiar steps, does not need translation again [»bentLA8_1978]
Quote: combined interpreter and compiler using the same functions; the first execution is interpreted, the second runs compiled code [»mitcJG6_1970]

Subtopic: schedule-time validation up

Quote: validate Eventrons at run-time before scheduling; no allocation or pointer modification; creates a data-specific call graph [»spooD6_2006]

Subtopic: optimization up

Quote: use message splitting to prevent the lose of type information when the control flow merges; allows compile-time lookup and in-lining [»ungaD10_1992]
Quote: hardware performance monitoring improves performance for Java virtual machines [»buytD1_2008]

Subtopic: JIT vs. threaded up

Quote: threaded code interpreter for Java; 2x slower than JIT for some general purpose applications; more than 10x slower for scientific code [»gregD6_2001]

Subtopic: JIT vs. native up

Quote: lcc.NET is about three times slower than native lcc; one quarter is JIT time [»hansDR3_2004]

Subtopic: inline via incremental compilation up

Quote: Self inlines many calls via dynamic compilation based on actual method usage [»smitRB10_1995]

Subtopic: problems with MSIL up

Quote: lcc.NET is a C compiler under MSIL; does not include setjump, longjmp, and some function pointers; required a new MSIL linker for static initialization and separate compilation; problems with address arithmetic [»hansDR3_2004]
Quote: MSIL does not allow direct manipulation of stack frames or return addresses; complicates coroutines, continuations, language-level threads, long jumps

Related Topics up

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Topic: incremental execution (22 items)
Topic: intermediate representation of code (31 items)
Topic: interpreter (59 items)
Topic: load-time code generation (13 items)
Topic: object code linkers and loaders (31 items)
Topic: optimization of object-oriented programs (16 items)
Topic: proving concurrent programs (37 items)
Topic: scripting language (27 items)
Topic: security of remotely executed code (24 items)
Topic: type reflection and introspection (28 items)
Topic: virtual machine
(13 items)

Updated barberCB 5/06
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