Topic: virtualized hardware
Topic: hardware vs. software
Topic: just-in-time compilation
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Adams, K., Agesen, O.,
"A comparison of software and hardware techniques for x86 virtualization",
ACM Symposium on Programming, Languages, and Systems (ASPLOS'06), San Jose, California, USA, October 2006, pp. 2-13.
abstract ;;Quote: software VMM performs better than hardware VMM due to high VMM/guest transition costs and a rigid programming model; software VMM replaces traps with callouts
| 4 ;;Quote: implement a software virtual machine with binary input, code translation on execute to user-mode instructions, dynamic adjustments
| 4 ;;Quote: VMM translates guest instructions to short, basic block, code fragments; chain fragments together in the translation cache
| 11 ;;Quote: use a hardware-walked, nested page table for VMMs; translates guest virtual addresses to host physical addresses; fast guest context switches and slightly slower TLB misses
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