
Topic: scripting language

topics > computer science > programming > Group: types of programming languages

command language
design for change
domain specific language
dynamic vs. static data type
extensible languages
generic operations and polymorphism
just-in-time compilation
keyboard macros
primitive functions
reusable programming
ref_any or Object data type
string transformation languages
system builds
test scripts
user-defined languages
visual programming
weak vs. strong type checking
words defined by words
Subtopic: end-user programming up

Quote: the goal of end-user programming is to allow the user to significantly customize the system [»myerBA_1992]

Subtopic: productivity up

Quote: scripting languages can develop gluing applications 5 to 10 times faster than a system programming language [»oustJK3_1998]
Quote: scripting languages are good alternatives; better programmer productivity and acceptable efficiency

Subtopic: reuse of scripts up

Quote: unlike object-oriented systems, scripting languages have generated significant software reuse

Subtopic: automation up

Quote: avoid manual procedures; use scripts for repeatable command sequences; under source control [»huntA_2000]

Subtopic: scripting language as programming language up

Quote: even simplified scripting languages need general-purpose control structures and variables [»myerB3_2000]

Subtopic: typeless language up

Quote: Ruby is a pure, untyped, object-oriented language with metaclasses, iterators, closures, reflection, run-time extension, dynamic loading, marshalling, threads, exceptions, garbage collection [»thomD1_2001]
Quote: scripting languages are usually typeless; makes it easy to reuse and connect components [»oustJK3_1998]

Subtopic: pronoun reference up

Quote: every function in HyperTalk sets 'it' implicitly; turns expressions into a sequence of statements [»myerBA_1992]

Subtopic: string-oriented up

Quote: use strings and a mini language to control the graphics interface; e.g., Tk/Tcl or Limbo [»dorwSM1_1997]
Quote: scripting languages are often string-oriented; provides a uniform representation for many different things

Subtopic: high-level primitive up

Quote: the primitive operations of scripting languages are more powerful than those of system programming languages; e.g., regular expression substitution and variable traces for updating the display [»oustJK3_1998]
Quote: REBOL is a scripting language for distributed applications; datatypes include e-mail, money, URLs [»sassC7_2000]

Subtopic: shell program up

Quote: a Unix shell command consists of arguments separated by blanks; the first specifies the command [»mashJR_1976]
Quote: with UNIX, can write a program by piecing together building block programs with the shell [»kernBW9_1978]
Quote: used the UNIX shell to write a cross reference program in a day [»bianMH_1976]
Quote: a UNIX shell file can trap interrupts with a goto, ignore them, or use the default handler [»mashJR_1976]
Quote: about 30% of shell programs included both shell and non-shell commands; most in straight-line scripts [»mashJR_1976]
Quote: approximately 80% of the commands issued in Programmer's Work Bench are from a shell program [»mashJR_1976]
Quote: about 75% of UNIX shell programs consisted of straight-line scripts [»mashJR_1976]

Subtopic: links as calls up

Quote: the KMS action language is a block-structured, command language using links to other frames for nesting; nodes as block and links as calls; nearly 800 commands [»akscRM11_1993]

Subtopic: distributed scripting up

Quote: KMS agents may be large hierarchies of frames distributed over a wide-area network; using KMS action language

Subtopic: efficiency up

Quote: a system programming language can often run 10 to 20 times faster than a scripting language
Quote: compared speed of scripting and user-interface languages; enormous variation [»kernBW7_1998]
Quote: for initialization, compiled languages fastest and script languages slowest; Java in between [»precL10_2000]

Subtopic: type system necessary up

Quote: a shared type system is necessary to integrate multiple languages [»hamiJ2_2003]

Subtopic: problems with user customization up

Quote: user customization hits a barrier when customization becomes impossible or it requires new techniques; e.g., HyperTalk in HyperCard, or macro language in a spreadsheet

Related Topics up

Topic: automation (15 items)
Topic: command language (23 items)
Topic: design for change (76 items)
Topic: domain specific language (8 items)
Topic: dynamic vs. static data type (24 items)
Topic: extensible languages (71 items)
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism (67 items)
Topic: interpreter (59 items)
Topic: just-in-time compilation (20 items)
Topic: keyboard macros (12 items)
Topic: macros (22 items)
Topic: primitive functions (34 items)
Topic: reusable programming (77 items)
Topic: ref_any or Object data type (9 items)
Topic: string transformation languages (17 items)
Topic: system builds (43 items)
Topic: test scripts (13 items)
Topic: user-defined languages (42 items)
Topic: visual programming (32 items)
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking (42 items)
Topic: words defined by words
(25 items)

Updated barberCB 3/06
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