
Topic: command language

topics > computer science > programming > Group: types of programming languages

command-line as a UserInterface
domain specific language
keyboard macros
program construction by walk-through
programmer productivity
scripting language
user-defined languages


Command languages typically occur in editors and command-line interpreters. They provide a set of commands and a way of defining new commands. For instance the CONTROL language defines programs through sets of commands guarded by various conditions and events. Command languages don't describe future actions nor describe declarations, instead they say "In this context do this". Users think this isn't programming, even though the end result is the same. The best and most heavily used command language is the UNIX shell.

Advantages-- Users like command languages. Programming is very rapid, and testing is easy. Immediate feedback is provided on command effectiveness. Other forms of command languages are used for data base query and control applications. (cbb 5/80)

Subtopic: commands vs. operation up

Quote: the primary form of mathematical communication is injunction; not description [»browGS_1972]
Quote: an operation needs to be done while a command (e.g., 'ADD a TO b') must be done [»sammJE_1969, OK]

Subtopic: command language as UI up

Quote: use ABC as a command language; invoke programs same as ABC commands; variables as file parameters [»pembS1_1987]
Quote: since everyone needs to learn the command language anyway, it should be useful for as much as possible; reduces programming in conventional languages [»leviJ5_1980]
Quote: command languages provide high-level data types such as strings, files, directories, and programs [»frasCW6_1983]
Quote: command languages use late binding for flexibility; typically at execution [»frasCW6_1983]
QuoteRef: smitDC6_1975 ;;75 text editors generally error free program even though programming language [cbb: but in command mode]
Quote: extend operations of a text editor by executing a command string [»maclIA11_1977, OK]

Subtopic: UNIX shell up

Quote: a Unix shell command consists of arguments separated by blanks; the first specifies the command [»mashJR_1976]
Quote: used the UNIX shell to write a cross reference program in a day [»bianMH_1976]
QuoteRef: kernBW1_1979 ;;11 Much of the use of the [UNIX] shell is simply to avoid programming.
Quote: in UNIX, shell and executable programs appear to be invoked the same; a child process runs executable programs [»mashJR_1976]
Quote: approximately 80% of the commands issued in Programmer's Work Bench are from a shell program [»mashJR_1976]
Quote: about 75% of UNIX shell programs consisted of straight-line scripts [»mashJR_1976]
Quote: about 30% of shell programs included both shell and non-shell commands; most in straight-line scripts [»mashJR_1976]
Quote: with UNIX, can write a program by piecing together building block programs with the shell [»kernBW9_1978]

Subtopic: compound commands up

Quote: Andrew provides compound commands for user-level programs; very useful [»boreNS9_1988]

Subtopic: command languages up

QuoteRef: moorCH6_1974 ;;503 input commands from terminal or disk (full swapping ability)
QuoteRef: reynCF11_1971 ;;327 terminal last statement (action) by '.' non-terminals by ','. relational data language
Quote: in CONTROL, any action may be commanded from the keyboard; extremely useful [»ruhlRC11_1976]
Quote: with CONTROL, programmed and modified programs with inexperienced individuals [»ruhlRC11_1976]
Quote: COUSIN interacts with users to correct errors in a command; it automatically corrects some errors and fills in defaults
Quote: COUSIN builds a command interface from a subsystem description

Related Topics up

Topic: command-line as a UserInterface (25 items)
Topic: definition (17 items)
Topic: domain specific language (8 items)
Topic: keyboard macros (12 items)
Topic: program construction by walk-through (26 items)
Topic: programmer productivity (57 items)
Topic: scripting language (27 items)
Topic: user-defined languages
(42 items)

Updated barberCB 4/04
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