v ;;Quote: a universe comes into being when a space is severed
ix ;;Quote: the imaginary number i is the solution to the self-referential equation x=-1/x
ix+;;Quote: complex boolean values are the solution to self-referential boolean equations
xvi ;;Quote: equality is not the mere presence or absence of a property, but being true or false can depend on properties
xviii ;;Quote: a mathematician depends on an innate sense of rightness; seldom attempts a proof if not already convinced of its truth
1 ;;Quote: laws of form: repeated calls have the same value
2 ;;Quote: laws of form: a crossing made again has a different value
43 ;;Quote: a universal property need not be indicated
57 ;;Quote: after an unlimited number of steps from a self-referential expression can reach a non-equivalent expression
58 ;;Note: an imaginary value is self-referential, infinite sequence is change over time
65 ;;Quote: a memory function remembers the same response to a signal; a counting function is different each time
69 ;;Quote: equality may stand for the words 'is confused with'
71 ;;Quote: laws of form: value of a mark is the value of the surrounding space
77 ;;Quote: the primary form of mathematical communication is injunction; not description
77 ;;Quote: a music composer does not attempt to describe the sounds or feelings occasioned by sound; instead writes a sequence of commands for recreating the experience
82 ;;Quote: laws of form: a bracket separates binary values
96 ;;Quote: understanding: there are many ways to say or do something, but all are the same