Topic: system-defined variables
ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: interprocess communication
Topic: software tools
Topic: Unix pipes
Group: parallel processing
Topic: scripting language
Topic: parameter passing by argument list
Topic: command language
Topic: file directory
Topic: file input/output
Topic: sequence generators
Topic: access by pattern matching
Topic: parameters as argument place holders
Group: exception handling
Topic: program statistics
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Mashey, J.R.,
"Using a command language as a high-level programming language",
Proceedings International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE, pp. 177-181, 1976.
170 ;;Quote: want to limit interprocess communication to a small number of well-defined methods; for uniformity, understandability, and reliability
| 170+;;Quote: UNIX pipes encourage small programs that are easily connected; good for human comprehension and computer performance
| 170 ;;Quote: UNIX processes communicate via shared open files, program arguments, exit codes, predefined files, and pipes
| 170 ;;Quote: a Unix shell command consists of arguments separated by blanks; the first specifies the command
| 170 ;;Quote: in UNIX, shell and executable programs appear to be invoked the same; a child process runs executable programs
| 170 ;;Quote: Unix searches for commands in user's directory, /bin directory, and /usr/bin directory
| 171 ;;Quote: UNIX commands expect preopened files for standard input, output, and error
| 171 ;;Quote: in Unix, many command arguments are file patterns which create a sorted list of matching filenames
| 172 ;;Quote: direct standard output to a variable in a shell program by '... | =d'
| QuoteRef: mashJR_1976 ;;172 "Currently, five variables are assigned special meanings: ... $p permits alteration of the names and order of directory path names used when searching for commands.
| 172 ;;Quote: in a command line, $n is replaced by the n'th argument
| 174 ;;Quote: a UNIX shell file can trap interrupts with a goto, ignore them, or use the default handler
| 175 ;;Quote: about 75% of UNIX shell programs consisted of straight-line scripts
| 176 ;;Quote: about 30% of shell programs included both shell and non-shell commands; most in straight-line scripts
| 176 ;;Quote: approximately 80% of the commands issued in Programmer's Work Bench are from a shell program
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