Group: natural language
Topic: business application language
Topic: command language
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: extensible systems
Topic: general vs. specific purpose systems
Topic: programming language design
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: scripting language
Topic: specific purpose computer systems
Topic: user-centered design
Topic: user-defined languages
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Subtopic: domain knowledge
Quote: software developers usually have no, prior customer or set of requirements, evolve instead of create; domain knowledge important [»pottC9_1993]
| Quote: producing valid systems is a domain dependent activity [»blumBI8_1985]
| Subtopic: domain-specific language
Quote: meaningful tasks within the domain of the user's interest should be expressible by a line or two of code in the user's very first program [»eiseM4_1995]
| Quote: an expressive, user-friendly application needs a learnable, direct manipulation interface and a domain-enriched, programming language; e.g., SchemePaint [»eiseM4_1995]
| Quote: instead of decomposing a problem into subproblems, write software that provides a language to express an entire problem domain [»eiseM4_1995]
| Quote: Smalltalk provides a simple semantics and syntax for the creation of domain-specific programming systems [»goldA10_1995]
| Quote: design and implement a special-purpose programming language for every large-scale programming project; i.e., procedures and parameters [»hoarCA_1974]
| Subtopic: application oriented vocabulary
Quote: Forth's application oriented vocabulary removes the need for interfaces to other languages [»rathED10_1976]
Related Topics
Group: natural language (16 topics, 531 quotes)
Topic: business application language (11 items)
Topic: command language (23 items)
Topic: extensible languages (69 items)
Topic: extensible systems (22 items)
Topic: general vs. specific purpose systems (11 items)
Topic: programming language design (53 items)
Topic: programming with a database of modules (94 items)
Topic: scripting language (27 items)
Topic: specific purpose computer systems (9 items)
Topic: user-centered design (65 items)
Topic: user-defined languages (38 items)