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Rather, E.D., Moore, C.H.,
"The Forth approach to operating systems",
ACM Annual Conference, pp. 233-240, October 1976.
QuoteRef: rathED10_1976 ;;234 Forth executes sqrt(1-x**2) in 427 microsecs, using 11 16-bit words and 12.1% interpreter overhead by time.
| 234 ;;Quote: FORTH's real-time operating system is just a few hundred words; multi-programmed
| 234 ;;Quote: Forth's application oriented vocabulary removes the need for interfaces to other languages
| 236 ;;Quote: Forth is easy to port because of the small size of its kernel
| 237 ;;Quote: a Forth system is mostly source; facilitates changes and additions
| 237+;;Quote: re-compiling a Forth system and application into memory takes only a few seconds
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