ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: performance testing
Topic: efficiency
Topic: scripting language
Group: memory management
Topic: heap memory management
Topic: execution profile
Topic: operating system kernel
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Kernighan, B.W., van Wyk, C.J.,
"Timing trials, or the trials of timing: Experiments with scripting and user-interface languages",
Software-Practice and Experience, 28, 8, July 1998, pp. 819-843.
abstract ;;Quote: compared speed of scripting and user-interface languages; enormous variation
| abstract+;;Quote: do not take benchmarks at face value
| abstract ;;Quote: memory management changes runtimes dramatically but users have little control
| abstract ;;Quote: timing services are woefully inadequate, even for computational tasks
| 820 ;;Quote: can not charge startup costs consistently; depends on dynamically loaded code
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
Topic: performance testing (8 items)
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Topic: execution profile (42 items)
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