ThesaHelp: references p-r
Group: types of programming languages
Topic: experimental results on programming
Topic: initialization of data
Topic: efficiency
Topic: scripting language
Topic: programmer productivity
Topic: arrays
Topic: hash table and hash functions
Group: memory management
Topic: interpreter
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Prechelt, L.,
"An empirical comparison of seven programming languages",
Computer, October 2000, pp. 23-29.
23 ;;Quote: compared 7 programming languages with 80 implementations of a phonecode conversion from telephone numbers to words; interpreted, object-oriented, and procedural languages
| 26 ;;Quote: for initialization, compiled languages fastest and script languages slowest; Java in between
| 26 ;;Quote: except for Rexx and Tcl, all programming languages had very fast and very slow programs
| 26 ;;Quote: compiled languages most memory-efficient while Java least memory-efficient; script languages overlap the worst half of the compiled languages
| 27 ;;Quote: 2-3x shorter programs for scripting languages such as Perl; more comments
| 27 ;;Quote: programmers 2-3x faster with script languages
| 27+;;Quote: script programmers used associative arrays while non-script programmers used arrays and 10-ary trees
| 29 ;;Quote: Java's runtime efficiency is acceptable but it has a huge memory overhead
| 29+;;Quote: scripting languages are good alternatives; better programmer productivity and acceptable efficiency
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